Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors John Morse and Jazz Dhillon. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: No interests were declared in matters before the meeting. |
To agree the minutes of the meetings held on 13 July 2016 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on13 July 2016 were agreed as a correct record. |
To confirm the items of business marked Part 1 will be held in Public and any Part 2 will be held in Private Minutes: All matters were heard in public. |
Presentation & Open Discussion: Metropolitan Police and their roles and responsibilities in relation to licensing - Sgt. Karl Spour Minutes: The Committee received a comprehensive presentation from Sgt. Karl Spour, representing Hillingdon Borough Metropolitan Police, regarding their roles and responsibilities with respect to licensing matters. Key points raised included:
· How the Police undertakes a co-ordinated and intelligent-led approach to licensing matters, using integrated databases and risk analysis. · Good co-operation with the Council and HMRC on site visits and enforcement, ensuring shift patterns are to 0200 hours on Friday and Saturday nights when venues are in full swing. · Undertake visits at the request of venues themselves to provide advice · Visual audits by the Police, in particular Hayes Town Centre around street drinking and items for sale in off-licenses, e.g. equipment for drug use. · In support of counter-terrorism objectives, the Police have intervened with licensed venues to spot and prevent risky behaviour. · Pub Watch had been re-launched and establishments have made good use of social media and WhatsApp groups to share information on individuals that could pose problems. · How the Police welcomed the full and vigorous examination of conditions by Members of the Licensing Sub-Committees.
Following the presentation by the Police, the Committee welcomed the integrated working with the Council by the Police. Of particular note, Members asked if the 'Reducing the Strength' scheme could be revisited given recent efforts in encouraging responsible licensed retailers. Members also welcomed the police presence at Hillingdon Hospital, where records of any alcohol or drug related crime would be taken and followed up with relevant authorities.
Gambling Act 2005 - Industry Statistics and Fixed Odds Betting Terminals Additional documents:
Minutes: Following a request from a previous meeting, Members received information on the monies generated through over-the-counter betting in Betting Shops in comparison with the monies generated through the use of Fixed Odds Betting Terminal Gaming Machines (FOBT's). It was noted that the Gambling Commission published Industry Statistics each year, which had been shared with Members to further elaborate upon this.
Of particular concern to the Committee was safeguarding, in particular for children and those addicted to gambling, including use of self-exclusion schemes. Upon further enquiry, Members noted the difference between skills machines, which were exempt from Gambling legislation, and those used for betting.
That the Committee notes the information provided. |
Committee Forward Planner 2016/17 Minutes: Members noted the presentation from the ASBIT Team in January and requested it cover issues around street drinking in Hayes Town Centre and details of the level and type of Members' Enquiries / contact centre queries around anti-social behaviour and licensing.
RESOLVED: That the Committee note the Forward Planner. |
Sub-Committee Decisions and Ratification of Minutes Additional documents: Minutes: Relevant Members of the Committee agreed minutes of previous licensing Sub-Committee hearings as a correct record and the Committee then ratified the minutes of the meetings.
1) That the Committee note the decisions of the Licensing Sub-Committees since the last Licensing Committee meeting and; 2) That the Committee, and Members present at the following Sub-Committees, approves the minutes as a correct record:
a) 5 August 2016 (Part 1) b) 13 September 2016 (Part 1)