Agenda and minutes

Standards Committee Assessment Sub-Committee - Thursday, 28th January, 2010 11.30 am

Venue: Room A351, Civic Centre, HIgh Street, Uxbridge

Contact: Lloyd White  Head of Democratic Services

No. Item


Apologies for absence and to report the presence of any substitute members




Disclosure of 'Any Other Business' items to be considered in public and private.


There were no other items to discuss.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting.


Confirmation that all items marked Part I will be considered in public and that those marked Part 2 will be considered in private.


Exclusion of the press and public: It was confirmed that the business of the meeting would be conducted in private


Initial assessment of complaint A


The Assessment Sub-Committee considered an allegation made by Mr Ian Boyle that Councillor Bruce Baker had contravened paragraphs 3(2)(d) and 6(a) of the Revised Members’ Code of Conduct [the Code] which he had undertaken in writing to observe.


Whilst the Sub-Committee were satisfied that, if proven, the alleged misconduct would be a breach of the Code of Conduct under which the Member was operating at the time, Members concluded that the complainant had not submitted enough information to satisfy the Assessment Sub-Committee that the complaint should be referred for investigation or other action.


RESOLVED: That no further action be taken in respect of the complaint.


A full written summary of the decision is available to the public.