Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub Committee (South) - Friday, 6th January, 2012 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Gill Brice 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting


To confirm that the items of business marked in Part 1 will be considered in Public and items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


William Hill, 2 Botwell Lane, Hayes pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


This was an application for the grant of a Premises Licence that would authorise the use of the premises at 2 Botwell Lane Hayes for the provision of a Betting premises.




The Sub-Committee considered the application and had taken into account evidence and submissions from all of the parties. In reaching its decision the Sub-Committee had taken into account the relevant provisions of the Gambling Act 2005, the Secretary of State’s Guidance issued under the Act and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.  The Sub-committee had also taken into account its overriding duty to promote the Licensing Objectives. 


Although the Sub-Committee were aware of the concerns raised by representation made in relation to anti-social behaviour, the Sub-Committee did not feel that there was sufficient documentary evidence of Crime and Disorder to refuse this application pursuant to Section 153 of the Gambling Act 2005.


The Sub-Committee had decided, on the balance of probabilities, to GRANT the application as applied for. Please note that this was not a unanimous decision.


The decision was subject to the following conditions:


The premises shall have an audible alarm connected to a panic button.


All staff shall be trained on compliance, violence in the workplace and safe counter plan procedures.


A safe with a time lock safe insert will be installed.


A staff ‘Staff Haven’ will be provided.


A counter security screen will be installed.


A ‘Maglock’ will be installed on the entrance door.


A digital CCTV system must be installed on the premises complying with the following criteria:


The CCTV system shall be installed to Home Office Guidance standards and maintained in a good working condition.


Cameras must be sited to observe the entrance and exit doors and floor areas including the gaming machines and the rear exit door.


Cameras on the entrance must capture full frame shots of the heads and shoulders of all people entering the premises i.e. capable of identification.

Cameras viewing the counter/till areas shall also cover part of the customer area.


Cameras overlooking floor areas should be wide angled to give an overview of the premises.


Be capable of visually confirming the nature of the crime committed.


Provide a linked record of the date, time and place of any image.


Provide good quality images- colour during opening times.


Operate under existing light levels within the premises.


Have the recording device located in a secure area or locked cabinet.


Be regularly maintained to ensure continuous quality of image capture and retention.


Have signage displayed in the customer area to advise that CCTV is in operation.


Digital images must be kept for 31 days.


Police and will have access to images at any reasonable time.


An overt CCTV monitor to be installed and able to be seen by customers.

The equipment must have a suitable export method e.g. CD/DVD writer so that the police can make an evidential copy of the data they require. This data should be in the native file format, to ensure that no image quality  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.