Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Nadia Williams
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Peter Kemp and Janet Gardner. Councillor Judy Kelly was present as substitute for Councillor Kemp.
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items of business would be considered in public. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: No matters were notified in advance or urgent.
Applications for Street Trading Licence Renewal Additional documents:
Minutes: Bal Super Market, 65 – 67 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes Middlesex, UB3 3EE
The Licensing Officer introduced the report in respect of an application for a Renewal of Shop Front Street Trading Licence for Bal Super Market, 65 – 67 Coldharbour Lane.
Objections against the grant of licence were received from The Anti-Social Behaviour Team suggesting a reduction of the shop front trading space from 3 metres to 2 metres.
The applicant’s legal representative circulated a number of photographs to the Sub-Committee showing the trading space outside Bal Supermarket in comparison to those showing trading spaces outside other shops with less trading spaces. The legal representative advised that reduction of the shop front trading space from 3metres to 2 metres would result in the applicant losing a large proportion of his business. Members were informed that that there was no space for storage in the shop and reduction of the shop front may possibly ultimately lead to the closure of the business. With regard to the issue of loading and unloading outside the footpath, the applicant would have no objection to the Sub-Committee attaching a condition as appropriate.
Officers reported that visits had been made on a number of occasions to the premises and found that goods had been placed on public highway obstructing the footpath. Officers suggested that deliveries should be taken at the back and not at the front of the shop.
Following deliberation, the Sub-Committee made the following decision.
The Sub-Committee granted the licence in full for the period of 6 months as per the application subject to the following condition:
‘All loading and unloading shall take place at the rear of the store. The highway to the front of the store shall be kept clear of receptacles associated with the premises at all times’.
Reason: The Sub-Committee felt that the above condition was justified in light of the evidence from the Council’s Anti Social Behaviour Investigations Team relating to the problems with loading and unloading taking place at the front of the store.
Pound Shop, 3 Station Road, Hayes, UB3 4BD
The applicant stated that he was not aware that the sale of phone cards outside the shop was not permitted.
Officers clarified that shop front sale of phone cards was one of the commodities banned by the Council and this was set out in the Terms and conditions of the Street Trading Licence that had been granted previously to the applicant. In addition, the applicant had received several fixed penalty notices against non-compliance.
The Sub-Committee was informed that the shop was located on a corner and concerns had been raised by Ward Councillors, and complaints had been received from other shop keepers about the detrimental effect of the large visual display of goods to the amenity area. In order to alleviate the concerns, officers had placed studs in to mark the trading area, which the applicant had complied with.
Following deliberation, the Sub-Committee made the following decision.
The Sub-Committee ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |