Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Anisha Teji 01895 277655
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies received from Cllr Allan Kauffman with Cllr Brian Stead substituting.
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before the meeting Minutes: None. |
Matters notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
To confirm that items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items were in Part 1 and would be heard in public.
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2017 Minutes: The minutes from 18 October 2017 were agreed subject to clarifying that that SEND programmes were being referred to in Cllr Simmonds' witness session.
1) That the minutes from 27 September 2017 be confirmed as an accurate record with the amendment.
Update on the Implementation of the School Improvement Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: Officers provided an overview of the report. The report gave an update on the current model of intern school delivery and its impacts so far. The report focussed on the way the team operated and how the Hillingdon School Improvement Plan 2014 - 2015 was used to shape the delivery of services.
In summary, the following key points were made in discussion:
· The report was good and positive. · The LA worked closely with schools that were coasting. Concerns were triggered and visits to schools were undertaken. Once a school at risk had been identified dialogues were put in place to manage the risk. · The Council's BID team was currently engaged in a review of Education Services with a view to making recommendations to the Leader by the end of this term. The outcome of this review was expected to shape the model for school improvement oversight and delivery from January 2018. It was clear that there was still a role for LA and they were expected to be champions/leaders of standards and education in the local area. · The statutory duties of the local authority were still in place, some were protected in legislation and the Council had some flexibility on how these duties ought to be delivered. · There were a range of discussions in place between head teachers and LA on how to move forward with the reduction of government funding. · There was a duty on heads teachers to produce self evaluations and it was recognised that school leaders knowing their schools well was the best way to improve. · It would have been more beneficial for the Committee to have had sight global data to see the direction of travel before and after improvements. The information that would be provided in the Standards and Equality report due to be put before the Committee in January 2018 may be helpful in providing this information. · There was a lot of discussion regarding schools at risk. Information was confidentially held by officers, but schools were clear about their status if they were on the schools at risk register. Head teachers were encouraged to share information about their schools with governors and partners. · One school that was on the schools at register had changed its name but Ofsted usually inspected schools three years after the school opening date. · The Regional Schools Commissioner had regular contact with staff at the schools at risk and also the LA.
1) That officers be thanked and congratulated for their work. 2) That the report be noted.
Children's Service Overview: Update Additional documents: Minutes: Officers provided an overview of the report. The report gave an update on the current activity of the Children's service. It gave details on the impact of a wide range of improvement activity undertaken over the past three years.
In summary, the following key points were made in discussion:
· The Chairman commented that this was a good report which clearly demonstrated the progress made in this area. Members commented that there was a good description of how services being operated and how services had been stabilised. · As part of the new Ofsted inspection framework, local authorities now completed an annual self evaluation of their childrens services that detailed the quality and impact of front line social work practice, how it was evidenced and how the authority planned to maintain or improve practice for the next twelve months. · There was a clear focus on social work. · Members questioned the number of people fostering in the Borough and it was confirmed that there were 95 homes in the Borough. There were more people that fostered by fostered for outside agencies. · Although it remained a challenge, there was ongoing foster care recruitment in the Borough. There were a range of marketing methods in place and the LA was more proactive and creative in its methods of recruitment which included going out to childrens centres and appealing to part time workers. This area was being kept under close review. · It was confirmed that recruitment had been a success with 19 positions being filled from candidates from South Africa and three from Canada. Some of the methods used to do this and retain staff included mentoring, offering practical guidance and support, promoting from within form more experienced colleagues, expanding teams, protecting caseloads and securing agency staff. All of these factors contributed to good morale and a good working environment. · Staff had recently completed an independent survey that consulted on morale and excellent feedback had been received. · It was reported that there had been a recent demand in services which could have been a result of more awareness of domestic abuse and neglect and changes in demographics. · Ofsted had changed their approach to inspections. The aim of the inspection was to demonstrate insight into how the LA was running its services and how improvements could be made from within. · It was confirmed that social workers had an average caseload of about 19 cases. This was an improvement to previous numbers reported with social workers having case loads in the late twenties. · Members confirmed that an update report would be helpful to the Committee and that the item be placed on the work programme for spring.
1. That officers be congratulated for their hard work. 2. That the report be noted.
Major Review - Discussion on Additional Information, Findings and Agree Recommendations Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman provided an update from the parent witness session that took place on 9 November 2017. Two members attended and met with parents of children with SEND. Further casework had been picked up as a result of some of the matter raised. It was clear that there was a gap in communication and this area needed to be improved and getting the right information around to health services.
Members bore in mind that the recommendations needed to take into account financial resources and needed to be practical. Members discussed suggested recommendations. It was discussed that recommendations around, early identification, intervention, communication, further support to families and monitoring outcomes of services were good areas to consider.
That the Chairman, Labour Lead and Democratic Services be delegated authority to agree recommendations and prepare a draft final report for presentation at the next meeting.
Cabinet Forward Plan - Review Forthcoming Decisions Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED -
(1) The Cabinet Forward Plan was noted.
Work Programme - Review the Work Programme for the coming year Minutes: RESOLVED-
That the work programme be noted. |