Agenda and draft minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Thursday, 18th July, 2013 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis  01895 556454

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Janet Duncan with Councillor Mo Khursheed acting as substitute.


Apologies for absence were also received from Councillor Michael Markham with Councillor Carol Melvin acting as substitute.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Dominic Gilham declared a pecuniary interest in Item 9. He left the Committee Room and did not participate in the item.


Councillor Brian Stead a non pecuniary interest in Item 14.



To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting - 13 June 2013 pdf icon PDF 199 KB


The incorrect minutes had been included in the agenda in error. No minutes were considered.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


The Chairman confirmed that agenda Item 14 in agenda B would be considered as an urgent item.


To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered in public and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


All items were considered in Part 1.


REPORT WITHDRAWN BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING: Swakeleys House, Milton Road, Ickenham - 23202/APP/2013/12 pdf icon PDF 663 KB

Change of use of Swakeleys House from Office (B1) use and Sports (D2) use and the erection of 7 buildings for use together as a single residential dwelling (C3) and gardens; alterations to listed building; demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House, Vyners House, the connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House building; and associated landscaping and servicing works within surrounding grounds.


Recommendation: Approval


Change of use of Swakeleys House from Office (B1) use and Sports (D2) use and the erection of 7 buildings for use together as a single residential dwelling (C3) and gardens; alterations to listed building; demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House, Vyners House, the connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House building; and associated landscaping and servicing works within surrounding grounds.


The report was withdrawn from the agenda by the Head of Planning, Sports and Green Spaces.


REPORT WITHDRAWN BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING: Swakeleys House, Milton Road, Ickenham - 23202/APP/2013/13 pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Alterations to listed building; demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House, demolition of Vyners House, the connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House building (Application for Listed Building Consent).


Recommendation: Approval


Alterations to listed building; demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House, demolition of Vyners House, the connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House building (Application for Listed Building Consent).


The report was withdrawn from the agenda by the Head of Planning, Sports and Green Spaces.



REPORT WITHDRAWN BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING: Swakeleys House (LBC), Milton Road, Ickenham - 23202/APP/2013/14 pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House together with the demolition of Vyners House. The connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House Building located within the grounds of Swakeleys House (Application for Conservation Area Consent).


Recommendation: Approval


Demolition of 1980s entrance foyer attached to northern elevation of Swakeleys House together with the demolition of Vyners House. The connecting link between Vyners House and Swakeleys House and the Ice House Building located within the grounds of Swakeleys House (Application for Conservation Area Consent).


The report was withdrawn from the agenda by the Head of Planning, Sports and Green Spaces.



Chantry Special School, Falling Lane, Yiewsley - 5746/APP/2013/1221 pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Installation of single storey (temporary) mobile classroom.


Recommendation: Approval


Installation of single storey (temporary) mobile classroom.



Officers introduced the report and referred to the changes set out in the Addendum sheet. It was noted that since the agenda had been published a petition in objection to the proposal had been receieved.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in objection to the proposal was invited to address the meeting. The lead petitioner raised the following points:


  • The proposal would adversely affect the amenity of local residents and be detrimental to the area.
  • The proposal should be refused on the basis of its size and effect
  • The proposal would adversely affect the local environment
  • The proposal would create displaced parking
  • The proposal would be used to increase pupil numbers at the school
  • The proposal would not be used for the benefit of local residents but for people living across London.
  • Alternatives to the proposal had not been considered


A representative of the applicant raised the following points:


  • The representative confirmed that the applicant had a parking management scheme.
  • The proposal would not result in increased pupil numbers.
  • The temporary classroom would incorporate anti-climbing paint
  • The adjacent playing field was in use.


The Committee asked officers to clarify the exact location of the temporary classroom and the height of the building.  Officers illustrated its exact location on the site plan and confirmed that this would be situated more than 15 metres away from the boundary of the school site. In response to the query about the height, officers confirmed that the temporary classroom would be a two storey building.


In the course of discussions, the Committee agree that condition 2 should be amended to read “to require removal before 31st August 2016” and a condition should be added to require details of any CCTV prior to installation and for the exact wording to be delegated to officers.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the, vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved – That the application be unanimously approved



Prologis Park, buildings (former MOD records office site), Bourne Avenue, Hayes - 18399/APP/2013/1019 pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Erection of distribution warehouse units (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices, associated car parking, access and associated landscape works within the existing Prologis Park development.


Recommendation: Approval


Erection of distribution warehouse units (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices, associated car parking, access and associated landscape works within the existing Prologis Park development.


Officers introduced the report which concerned the erection of distribution warehouse units (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices, associated car parking, access and associated landscape works within the existing Prologis Park development.  Officers highlighted the changes in the addendum and explained that in real terms, the current proposal reduced the size of the development and moved the location of the proposal further away from the boundary.


Officers explained that the principle and design were acceptable and due to extensive landscaping there would be no impact to nearby residents. It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agree that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the officer report and changes set out in the addendum.


Bourne Primary, Cedar Avenue, Ruislip - 4328/APP/2013/1367 pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planing permission ref: 4328/APP/2012/2892 (Single storey extension to existing school) to change the location of the approved single storey extension to existing school.


Recommendation: Approval


Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planing permission ref: 4328/APP/2012/2892 (Single storey extension to existing school) to change the location of the approved single storey extension to existing school


Officers introduced the report which concerned the variation of condition 2 to change the location of the approved single storey extension to the existing school.


It was moved, seconded and on being out the vote agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as set out in the officer report.


Air Link House, 18-22 Pump Lane, Hayes - 5505/APP/2013/996 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Application to vary conditions 13 and 23 for a temporary period of 12 months only to planning permission (ref: 5505/APP/2011/3064) for single storey rear extension and change of use of building from offices to a restaurant/banquet hall at ground floor level with 23 hotel rooms above) dated 06/11/2012 to extend the opening hours of the premises.


Recommendation: Approval


Application to vary conditions 13 and 23 for a temporary period of  of 12 months only to planning permission (ref: 5505/APP/2011/3064) for single storey rear extension and change of use of building from offices to a restaurant/banquet hall at ground floor level with 23 hotel rooms above) dated 06/11/2012 to extend the opening hours of the premises.

Officers introduced the report and the changes set out in the addendum.

In relation to the application for extended hours of operation, Members raised concerns about how noise issues would impact on local residents.

The Committee were especially concerned about how loud music would be contained late at night and the early hours of the morning. In response, officers confirmed that acoustic wall linings would be installed and noise limiters could be added as a condition to safeguard local residents.

The Committee requested condition 1 to be amended to ensure the implementation period matched the original permission and for the exact wording to be delegated to officers. In relation to condition 12, the Committee requested officers to add a condition requiring noise monitoring as follows:

'A.  No loud music or  other  noise ( amplified  or  otherwise) shall be made externally. 

 B.  With the exception of the trial period set out in part C of this condition, no  loud music  or  other  noise ( amplified  or  otherwise),  shall  be  made / played  at the site, nor shall any persons (other than staff) be permitted to be in the restaurant, banqueting or bar areas of the premises between 22:00 hours   and   08:00   hours Monday  to Saturdays and at no  time on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays.

 C.  For a period of 12 months from the date of this permission, no loud music or other noise (amplified or otherwise), shall be made / played at the site, nor shall any persons (other than staff) be permitted to be in the restaurant, banqueting or bar areas of the premises between 23:00 hours and 08:00 hours except on Friday night or Saturday night where an additional 2 hours up until 01:00 hours the following morning will be permitted.

 D. Prior to the occupation of the building a noise-limiting device shall be installed.  It shall be fitted and thereafter maintained in such a manner as to control all sources of amplified music or any other noise at the premises in accordance with the levels specified in part E of this condition.

 E. At no time shall noise emitted from the site exceed 5db below background levels when measured from the nearest sensitive receptor


To safeguard the amenity of the occupants of surrounding properties in accordance with Policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007) and Policy 7.15 of the London Plan (July 2011).'

It was moved and on being put to the vote seconded that the application be approved with four votes in favour, one against and with two abstentions that the application be approved.

Resolved –

That the application be approved as set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Dagenham Motors Jctn St Johns Road & Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge - 188/APP/2013/477 pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Material amendment to planning permission 188/APP/2008/3309 granted by the Planning Inspectorate's letter dated 13/11/2009 seeking alterations to the layout involving the provision for refuse storage for Blocks C and D.


Recommendation: Approval


Material amendment to planning permission 188/APP/2008/3309 granted by the Planning Inspectorate's letter dated 13/11/2009 seeking alterations to the layout involving the provision for refuse storage for Blocks C and D.


Officers introduced the report and the changes set out in the addendum. The application sought alterations to the layout involving the provision for refuse storage for Blocks C and D.


Delegated authority granted to the Head of Service to make minor changes to the resolution including, adding Affordable Housing to the Heads of Terms, adding a date (28-08-13) for the completion of the legal agreement and minor housekeeping matters including job titles.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote, agreed unanimously that the application be approved as per the officer recommendation (including the deed of variation), addendum and the above changes.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the officer report, addendum and changes set out above.



8-12 Lees Parade, Uxbridge Road, Hayes - 1803/APP/2013/733 pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Demolition of warehouse and conversion of and extensions to existing office building to provide a part three, part four storey building containing 14 residential units 3 retail/office spaces (Use Class A1/B1), with associated parking and amenity space. “Deferred from North Committee 13.6.13”


Recommendation: Approval


Demolition of warehouse and conversion of and extensions to existing office building to provide a part three, part four storey building containing 14 residential units 3 retail/office spaces (Use Class A1/B1), with associated parking and amenity space. “Deferred from North Committee 13.6.13”


Officers introduced the report and changes set out in the addendum. During the course of the officer presentation, reference was made to the plans and it was noted that the following changes were required: 1107-56 to 1107-56  Rev A and 1107-57 to 1107-57  Rev A.


The Committee congratulated officers for the work they had done to accommodate the scheme. It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the proposal be approved as per the officer report, legal agreement, addendum and changes to the plans.

Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the officer report, addendum and the changes to the plans references as set out above.


Padcroft Works, Tavistock Road, Yiewsley - 45200/APP/2012/3082 pdf icon PDF 564 KB

Comprehensive redevelopment of site to provide three buildings of part 7 storeys and art 5 storeys comprising 208 residential units, 190sqm (approx) of Use Class B1 floorspace with associated public and private amenity space, hard and soft landscaping, lower ground floor parking for vehicles and bicycles, and alterations to 9 High Street to form new pedestrian route (involving demolition of all existing buildings other than no.9 High Street).




1.                  Subject to no objection being received from the Environment Agency, delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to approve

2.                  Subject to the Mayor of London’s  comments or directions

3.                  S106 Agreement

Additional documents:


Comprehensive redevelopment of site to provide three buildings of part 7 storeys and part 5 storeys comprising 208 residential units, 190 sq.m

(approx) of Use Class B1 floorspace with associated public and private

amenity space, hard and soft landscaping, lower ground floor parking for vehicles and bicycles, and alterations to 9 High Street to form new pedestrian route (involving demolition of all existing buildings other than no.9 High Street)


Officers introduced the report as set out in Agenda B.


A number of concerns were raised by Committee members and it was agreed to defer the item for a site visit.


Resolved –


That the application be deferred for a site visit.