Agenda item

Air Link House, 18-22 Pump Lane, Hayes - 5505/APP/2013/996

Application to vary conditions 13 and 23 for a temporary period of 12 months only to planning permission (ref: 5505/APP/2011/3064) for single storey rear extension and change of use of building from offices to a restaurant/banquet hall at ground floor level with 23 hotel rooms above) dated 06/11/2012 to extend the opening hours of the premises.


Recommendation: Approval


Application to vary conditions 13 and 23 for a temporary period of  of 12 months only to planning permission (ref: 5505/APP/2011/3064) for single storey rear extension and change of use of building from offices to a restaurant/banquet hall at ground floor level with 23 hotel rooms above) dated 06/11/2012 to extend the opening hours of the premises.

Officers introduced the report and the changes set out in the addendum.

In relation to the application for extended hours of operation, Members raised concerns about how noise issues would impact on local residents.

The Committee were especially concerned about how loud music would be contained late at night and the early hours of the morning. In response, officers confirmed that acoustic wall linings would be installed and noise limiters could be added as a condition to safeguard local residents.

The Committee requested condition 1 to be amended to ensure the implementation period matched the original permission and for the exact wording to be delegated to officers. In relation to condition 12, the Committee requested officers to add a condition requiring noise monitoring as follows:

'A.  No loud music or  other  noise ( amplified  or  otherwise) shall be made externally. 

 B.  With the exception of the trial period set out in part C of this condition, no  loud music  or  other  noise ( amplified  or  otherwise),  shall  be  made / played  at the site, nor shall any persons (other than staff) be permitted to be in the restaurant, banqueting or bar areas of the premises between 22:00 hours   and   08:00   hours Monday  to Saturdays and at no  time on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays.

 C.  For a period of 12 months from the date of this permission, no loud music or other noise (amplified or otherwise), shall be made / played at the site, nor shall any persons (other than staff) be permitted to be in the restaurant, banqueting or bar areas of the premises between 23:00 hours and 08:00 hours except on Friday night or Saturday night where an additional 2 hours up until 01:00 hours the following morning will be permitted.

 D. Prior to the occupation of the building a noise-limiting device shall be installed.  It shall be fitted and thereafter maintained in such a manner as to control all sources of amplified music or any other noise at the premises in accordance with the levels specified in part E of this condition.

 E. At no time shall noise emitted from the site exceed 5db below background levels when measured from the nearest sensitive receptor


To safeguard the amenity of the occupants of surrounding properties in accordance with Policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007) and Policy 7.15 of the London Plan (July 2011).'

It was moved and on being put to the vote seconded that the application be approved with four votes in favour, one against and with two abstentions that the application be approved.

Resolved –

That the application be approved as set out in the officer report, subject to the amendments to conditions 1 and 12.



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