Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: James Jones 01895 250420
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting |
To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public |
To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received: |
Petition requesting traffic calming on Ivy House Road and Almond Avenue, Ickenham. Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting traffic calming on Ivy House Road and Almond Avenue, Ickenham.
The Lead Petitioner was in attendance and raised a number of points, including:
Councillor Martin Goddard, Ward Councillor for Ickenham & South Harefield, affirmed his support for the petitioners stating that:
The Chairman requested the recently attained survey results conducted in the area.
Officers passed a copy of the recently completed survey results to the Lead Petitioner for referral. These surveys had been carried out over a 7-day period and had not found evidence of any excessive speeding. It was proposed that the volume of traffic as opposed to increased speeding might have been the fundamental change that the Lead Petitioner had referred to. Officers noted the Lead Petitioner’s concerns over HGV movements, which he felt likely to have resulted from ongoing HS2 works; officers added that the Council had regular dialogue with HS2 and their contractors concerning traffic associated with their work, and further discussion would be had with them regarding the roads of present concern.
The Lead Petitioner confirmed the propositions about the increased volume of traffic but, in reference to the speed surveys, highlighted that serious accidents could occur below 30mph.
The Chairman accepted the concerns of petitioners and asked whether the problem was mostly one way or in both directions, perhaps linked to wider patterns of commuter and school traffic. The Lead Petitioner felt that the traffic was coming from Swakeleys Road and turning into Almond Avenue or straight down Ivy House Road. It was agreed ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Petition Requesting Traffic Calming Measures on Austin's Lane, Ickenham. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman considered a petition from residents requesting traffic calming measures on Austin's Lane, Ickenham
The Lead Petitioner was in attendance and made a number of points, including:
In response to his request for clarification, the Chairman was informed that these problems occurred throughout the day but AM and PM rush hours exhibited the worst incidents, due to the aforementioned attempts by motorists to avoid the traffic on Long Lane. The Lead Petitioner felt that the problem was most acute in the mornings, but that it was a matter of concern at all times. They also confirmed that the speeding occurred away from the residential part of Austin’s Lane, which was where the road narrowed (section of particular concern). A blind spot caused by the brow of the TfL bridge had increased the danger for motorists in this area.
Councillor Eddie Lavery, Ward Councillor for Ickenham & South Harefield reaffirmed his support (and that of Councillor Banerjee) for the petitioners stating that:
The Chairman confirmed that an incremental approach was best suited to this particular situation. Speed surveys, as referenced by Councillor Lavery, were supported by the Chairman.
Petitioners were requested to identify appropriate ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting to change the layout of the junction of St Andrews Road and Churchill Road to a Mini Roundabout.
The Lead Petitioner was present and made a number of points, including:
Officers informed the Lead Petitioner that discussions with the developer were ongoing and disclosed that a mini roundabout, as requested by the Petitioners, might be achievable, although this remained subject to further agreement and an independent technical assessment.
Councillor Adam Bennett, Ward Councillor for Hillingdon West, made a number of points in support of the petition including:
The Chairman recommended further negotiations with the developer in order to provide a solution to the issues mentioned. Additionally, the Chairman observed that, if a mini roundabout was unattainable, other solutions would be explored.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport:
1) Met and discussed with petitioners their request to make changes at the junction at St Andrews Road and Churchill Road; 2) Noted that dialogue was already under way with the developer of the St Andrews Park site to seek ways of improving the road layout at this location; 3) Asked officers to continue negotiations with the developer of St Andrews Park with a view to delivery of a mini roundabout, as requested by petitioners, if at all possible, and furthermore asked officers to report back as soon as this possibility had been established; and, 4) Asked officers to consider the testimony of the ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting a safe pedestrian crossing at the junction of Rickmansworth Road and Green Lane, Northwood.
The Lead Petitioner was present and made a number of points, including:
The Chairman accepted the concerns of petitioners but stated that evidence had suggested low use by pedestrians at the junction of Rickmansworth Road and Green Lane. Moreover, due to road junctions, expense and lack of use, new pedestrian crossings were not favoured in most circumstances. Furthermore, the Chairman declared that TfL held jurisdiction over traffic light instalment and maintenance, not the Council. Officers were instructed to engage with TfL on the matter.
It was confirmed that this issue had been examined by the Council before, as detailed in paragraph 7 of the officer report.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport:
1) Met and discussed with petitioners their request to provide a pedestrian Pelican crossing at the junction of Rickmansworth Road and Green Lane, Northwood; 2) Noted that previous independently collected pedestrian crossing data at the junction of Rickmansworth Road and Green Lane showed relatively low pedestrian flows; 3) Noted that only one police recorded accident with slight injury was noted in the vicinity at the junction of Rickmansworth Road and Green Lane during the last five years; 4) Further noted that changes to the traffic signals of any crossing in the manner suggested would need the support of Transport for London, the body responsible for all traffic signals across Greater London; and, 5) Instructed officers to engage with Transport for London on this matter, which would provide for the study of a possible pedestrian stage.
Reasons for recommendations:
The Petition Hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.
Alternative options considered / risk management:
None at this stage.
Petition Requesting a Residents Parking Scheme at Coldharbour Lane, Hayes. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting a residents parking scheme at Coldharbour Lane, Hayes.
The Lead Petitioner was present and made a number of points, including:
Councillor Janet Gardner, Ward Councillor for Hayes Town, informed the Chairman of her support for the Petitioners and mentioned personal experience of the issues raised, which a resident parking scheme could help combat.
The Chairman noted that the proposed resident parking scheme would not, in all likelihood, completely remedy the situation. It was known to often result in a net-loss of available spaces but, most noticeably, transferred the issues onto other nearby areas. The Chairman acknowledged that this factor was a significant contributor to the existing problem experienced by Petitioners (parking scheme in Hayes town centre transferring issues onto surrounding areas, as evidenced on Coldharbour Lane). Furthermore, the Chairman highlighted that a residents’ parking zone required a substantial area, as opposed to one linear road. It was also confirmed by the Chairman that continued collaboration with the anti-social behaviour team would be necessary to resolve the situation.
Another resident and co-petitioner was invited to speak by the Chairman and reiterated the point that signage issued by the Council was being destroyed and largely disregarded by the affiliated traders.
Officers made the following points: