Agenda and minutes

Finance and Corporate Services Select Committee - Wednesday, 23rd November, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Anisha Teji  01895 277655

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kaushik Banerjee with Councillor Peter Smallwood substituting.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 308 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting on 20 October 2022 be agreed.


To confirm that the items of business marked as Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked as Part II will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items would be heard in Part I.



Review of Procurement within Hillingdon - Second Witness Session pdf icon PDF 373 KB

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The Committee discussed the report on Review of Procurement within Hillingdon – Second Witness Session.


It was noted that there were various stages of procurement and Members were keen to hear more information on ways to make the system more efficient, less time consuming and less repetitious. It was agreed that it would be interesting to consider other business models in place, the procurement bill and framework agreements.


The Committee explored the challenges with helping and engaging with local small businesses. It was noted that in Northwood Hills a local Chambers of Commerce was due to be set up to support local businesses with networking groups and events.


It was suggested that the review also explored how the London Borough of Hillingdon did procurement with other councils and whether better deals could be considered when combining its procurement efforts.


Members were interested to explore how contracts were created with the supply chain and what value was being added to the local economy in the way suppliers operated. Agreeing a definition for a local business was welcomed.


Members considered that a further witness session with officer presence would be useful to answer the points raised.


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted and commented on the information presented.


Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Forward Plan be noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 156 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Work Programme be noted.