Agenda and minutes

Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee - Tuesday, 11th July, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members


There were none although it was noted that Councillor Davies was not present.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were none.



To receive the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 230 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting dated 06 June 2023 be approved as a correct record.


To confirm that the items of business marked as Part 1 will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items were marked as Part 1 and would therefore be considered in public.


Platinum Jubilee Leisure Centre, West Drayton - Project Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Michael Naughton, Head of Capital Programme, was present for this item and summarised the Platinum Jubilee Leisure Centre project for the Committee, giving an update on the progress made through the construction phase of the project. It was highlighted that the project had been years in the making with an initial feasibility study showing that there was a need for swimming space in the West Drayton area. The specific site on Rowhleys Place had been originally chosen because it had space for a 25 metre, eight lane swimming pool with an ancillary leisure pool and slide. The Committee heard how the project had been designed to be commercially viable, to cover its costs and to deliver funds back to the Council whilst improving the sports and leisure offer in the Borough. The project was due to come online in summer 2024 and officer noted that they were happy with the progress being made highlighting that, despite the difficult economic environment, the project remained on-time and on budget.


On climate matters and the Council’s move to net zero carbon emissions, it was highlighted that the production of the concrete and steel was always going to be a very carbon intensive process, however the project was expected to achieve its net zero carbon emissions target by the mid-2040s, this included the carbon generated during construction of the leisure centre; the project would eventually be carbon negative. Members commented that the development would be a fantastic addition to the Borough and were specifically encouraged by the eventual carbon negative nature of the scheme. Officers noted that air quality at the site was being extensively monitored during the construction phase and that the green nature of the development had been built into the design.


The Committee sought to explore the local employment opportunities facilitated by the new leisure centre development. Officers highlighted that, in addition to the employment opportunities brought about by the final development, it had been a part of the construction contractor’s requirements to employ locally and that there had been a number of apprenticeship roles arising from the project.


On parking matters, it was confirmed that once finished, the site would have 140 available car parking spaces and one coach drop off/pick up point; it was not expected that coaches would remain on site. It was highlighted that the parking provision was lower than at the larger Hillingdon Sports and Leisure Centre but more than was provided at the Botwell Leisure Centre.


Members sought assurance that the £37M budget for the project was inclusive of all design and build phases and that it had taken account of inflationary pressures. Officers noted that, of the £37M, £32.9M came under a fixed cost contract with the contractor, meaning that there would be no extra cost to the Council due to inflationary pressures unless the requirement of the build was legally changed. The remaining £4.1M was inclusive of design, procurement, and all other costs associated with the project.


The Committee thanked officers for their  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Select Committee Review: Topic Selection pdf icon PDF 312 KB


The Chairman introduced the item noting that the Committee would soon be embarking on its next major scrutiny review and Members were encouraged to shortlist a number of potential review topics that could be explored and scoped out further by officers. Final selection of a review topic would be brought to the Select Committee’s following meeting.


The Committee went on to discuss a number of prospective review topics. Members highlighted an interest in the Council’s built assets, specifically the reconfiguration of the Civic Centre in Uxbridge, as a cross cutting scrutiny topic that fell within the Select Committee’s remit. It was noted that a large planned project regarding this was underway and that the Committee’s position could be more appropriate in monitoring the project rather than conducting a review of the ongoing development. It was agreed that the Committee could receive an information item on this and possibly hold a site visit to see the reconfigurations first hand. The Committee also considered a prospective review looking at decarbonisation of the Council’s buildings as the Council owned a number of large buildings such as the Civic Centre and Hillingdon Sports and Leisure Centre, and the Committee were interested in exploring the moves being made to become a carbon neutral council.


The Committee also sought to explore the possibility of reviewing housing maintenance activities and refurbishment of the Council’s housing stock, with the possibility of drawing focus towards how the Council responds to maintenance needs mid-tenancy rather than when properties were voided and matters such a rainwater management in housing blocks.


Another prospective review topic discussed by Members was a possible review into the Council’s approach to road safety, it was noted that this was an area which had not been subject to any form of in-depth scrutiny from Councillors for some time. The Committee highlighted their specific interest in how road safety was being managed within the vicinity of the Borough’s schools and the impact on school children.


A further possible review topic suggested by members was bus routes and transportation, it was noted that there had been a recent impact on residents due to changes in bus routes and scheduling which had left some areas underserved. The Committee were also minded to explore the Council’s fleet strategy with an eye to ensuring the progress made within this area of work aligned with the Council’s zero carbon commitments.


The Committee discussed the possibility of conducting several concurrent small to mid-scale scrutiny reviews rather than one major review throughout the municipal year. Officers confirmed that they would explore this approach for feasibility and would report back to the Committee at the following meeting. It was also confirmed that the Committee had shortlisted a number of review topics and that these would be scoped further with the relevant teams, with the Committee’s formal decision on a review topic, or topics, coming at the next meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee developed a shortlist of potential scrutiny review topic ideas  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Cabinet Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced the Cabinet Forward Plan discussing the upcoming items which would fall under the scrutiny remit of the Committee.


RESOLVED: That the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee noted the Cabinet Forward Plan.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced the Select Committee’s work programme asking for any suggestions from the Committee on potential new items to be added. The Committee discussed the Building Safety Strategy and building safety generally, it was noted that the Committee received an item on this at their April 2023 meeting but that the Committee were minded to have the item come back on a regular basis as an annual report due to the significance of the work area. This was agreed.


It was also noted that the Committee would be receiving at their next meeting the draft report from their major scrutiny review into highways resurfacing. This would be finalised and agreed at the meeting and taken forward to Cabinet thereafter.


RESOLVED: That the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee noted the Committee Work Programme and agreed any amendments.