Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Hillingdon Planning Committee - Tuesday, 16th July, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Anisha Teji  01895 277655 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Keith Burrows with Councillor Darren Davies substituting and Councillor Gursharan Mand with Councillor Raju Sansarpuri substituting.



Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 294 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting on 11 June 2024  be approved.



Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and the items marked Part II will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items would be heard in Part I.



Planning Committee Report Part 1_Standard Information pdf icon PDF 300 KB


Civic Centre, Uxbridge - 14805/APP/2024/956 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Change of use of Middlesex Suite and Registrar's Office (Part Level 1 and Level 2) within the Civic Centre Complex from Class E (g) (i) / Sui Generis to Class F1 to accommodate a new public library and museum, involving minor internal and external alterations and associated works.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.



Change of use of Middlesex Suite and Registrar's Office (Part Level 1 and Level 2) within the Civic Centre Complex from Class E (g) (i) / Sui Generis to Class F1 to accommodate a new public library and museum, involving minor internal and external alterations and associated works.


Officers introduced the application, highlighted the information in the addendum, provided a verbal update on an additional condition and signatories to the petition, and took Members through the plans. A recommendation for approval was made.


A nominated speaker on behalf of the petitioners addressed the Committee and noted that there had been two petitions submitted in objection to the application. The speaker submitted that there was insufficient data to justify the proposed library and community hub as critical aspects had not been considered.  The nominated speaker submitted that the revised plan had an area similar to the library in 1974 to 1987, which now did not meet the increased population. Furthermore, he submitted that there were significant constraints and reductions which conflicted with the Council's objectives for facility relocation and delivering services equal to or better than the existing site.  The speaker outlined that the application did not provide a list of the resource requirements and how they compared to the existing site. Concerns were raised by the speaker about reduced book shelving space to support a children’s library and reduced space to support the new archive search room. It was submitted that the application lacked compliance with the existing building regulations and the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964. It was submitted that the proposal does not  address the accessibility issues raised by groups of people, including those with disabilities, visual impairments and Parkinsons with the listing of the building used to justify not making regulation compliant modifications It was submitted by the speaker that a balance should be made for providing accessibility compliance and heritage values, which the speaker submitted had not been done. It was submitted that the proposed development did not meet the Council’s aims for facility relocation, and improving the health, wellbeing and safety for those less mobile.


The nominated speaker emphasised that the library was a community hub seen by many as a village hall and was the only public resource in Uxbridge. It was submitted that the report lacked consideration of the proposed development and its impact on community events and community classes held in the existing library. It was also submitted that the plans should have been presented to a fire officer for assessment detailing how the building would be used with the expected number of service users, evacuation routes and assembly points. The speaker reiterated that he believed there were fundamental details in the plans and report that had not been quantified, omitted or even considered. The Committee was urged by the nominated speaker to either defer the decision to rectify the lack of data and the omissions in the report or refuse the application. Lastly, the nominated speaker reiterated to Members the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Civic Centre, Uxbridge - 14805/APP/2024/1410 pdf icon PDF 705 KB

Alterations to the existing covered walkway between Corporate Entrance and the Middlesex Suite to form an enclosed entrance area and link from the Corporate Entrance to the Middlesex Suite, involving the installation of new windows and glazed screens together with the installation of new signage (Application for Listed Building Consent)


Recommendation:  Approve Listed Building Consent


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.



Alterations to the existing covered walkway between Corporate Entrance and the Middlesex Suite to form an enclosed entrance area and link from the Corporate Entrance to the Middlesex Suite, involving the installation of new windows and glazed screens together with the installation of new signage (Application for Listed Building Consent)


Officers introduced the application and made a recommendation for approval.


The Committee considered agenda items 7 and 8 together and raised no queries in relation to the application for listed building consent.


The officers’ recommendation, was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, there were four votes in favour and three abstentions.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer recommendation.



Garage Site, Hilton Close - 77811/APP/2024/442 pdf icon PDF 838 KB

Erection of two 3-bedroom detached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space following demolition of existing garages.


Recommendation: Approve + s106 agreement



RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.



Erection of two 3-bedroom detached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space following demolition of existing garages.


Officers introduced the application, provided verbal updates on an amendment to a landscaping condition and proposed delegated authority to consider Scottish Southern Electric comments should they be received within the consultation period. Officers made a recommendation for approval for the s106 agreement.


The committee discussed a potential condition for the landscaping maintenance of the adjacent substation and it was explained that the substation was outside of the site and not within the scope of the application. In terms of flood risk and material used for the development, it was noted that the site was not in a flood zone and that the landscape condition would require an improvement of the current hard standing. It was added that the increase in floor levels and the increase in soft landscaping would mitigate any potential flood risk. Members were advised that the Environment Agency was not a statutory consultee for this application, as the site was not within a flood zone 2 or 3


The officer’s recommendation, was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.



Planning Committee Report Part 3_Policy Appendices pdf icon PDF 515 KB