Agenda and minutes

Corporate Resources & Infrastructure Select Committee - Thursday, 9th January, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Anisha Teji, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Email: or 01895 277655

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting




Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 225 KB


RESOVLED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as an accurate record subject to amending the term negate in reference to Electric Vehicles.


To confirm that the items of business marked as Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked as Part II will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all agenda items would be heard in Part I.



2025/26 Budget Proposals For Services Within The Remit Of Corporate Resources & Infrastructure Select Committee pdf icon PDF 324 KB

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director of Finance, the Head of Strategic Finance, Head of Digital, Head of Capital Programme Works Services and the Director of Operational Assets introduced the budget report and provided an overview of the different services areas.


Members considered the draft revenue budget and capital programme for services within the remit of the Corporate Resources & Infrastructure Select Committee for the financial year 2025/26. It was reported that this was part of the agreed consultation process for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account budgets, alongside the Council's Capital Programme.


The following key points were highlighted to the Committee:


·         The budget proposals were initially considered by Cabinet on 12 December 2024 and were now under consultation. The final recommendations would be made to the full Council on 27 February 2025.

·         The Committee needed to consider the budget proposals in the context of the corporate budgetary position and any financial constraints

·         The Council aimed to set a balanced budget for 2025/26, requiring a drawdown of £6.4m from reserves. The report also set out a five-year budget strategy focusing on driving value for money, maintaining low Council Tax, reviewing the operating model for efficiency, investing in new assets and improving housing quality.

·         The budget strategy included mechanisms such as increasing net savings, adjusting Council Tax policy within thresholds and releasing funding from reserves.


Members heard about the financial challenges faced by the Council, including the high demand for services, national issues and reduced Government funding. Many boroughs were in a similar position and the different forms of exceptional financial support were noted.


It was reported that there were financial variances and savings required for the upcoming years, focusing on staffing vacancies, treasury activities and property income. A medium-term financial strategy consultation budget showed a saving requirement of 39 million pounds for 2025-2026, with 32.6 million pounds of savings identified, leaving a residual gap of 6.4 million pounds. Over five years, the saving requirement was 62 million pounds, with 65 million pounds of savings identified, resulting in a 3 million pound surplus. The budget requirement for services within the Committee's remit stood at 5.3 million pounds. Additionally, there was an inflation requirement related to workforce expenditure and the pay award. The largest saving areas included reshaping customer experience and business support, digital intelligence and digital and technology contract reviews. Outside of Corporate Services, finance had identified savings from revenues and benefits, customer contract reviews and the Oracle implementation.


In response to Member questions around proactive repairs and the potential savings they could bring, it was explained that the stock condition survey played an important role in driving figures. There was an expectation that there would be a reduction in reactive repairs due to proactive measures undertaken by officers. The significance of contractors in maintaining the housing stock to good standards, ensuring quality and value for residents was also noted.


Members raised queries around cross cutting savings programmes and performance of previous years where savings had not been achieved. The financial implications of these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Presentation on Transformation Work


This item was withdrawn from the agenda prior to the meeting.


Updated Select Committee Remits pdf icon PDF 136 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Committee note its updated remit.


Policy Review Discussion & Guidance pdf icon PDF 642 KB


The Committee discussed a proposal for a review topic involving the investigation into the available Council owned spaces (rooms for Business, Private hire, letting and commercialisation in the Borough.


Members discussed the need to consolidate various departmental responsibilities relating to buildings, rooms and spaces under one roof. The purpose of the review would be to create a comprehensive register of spaces, potentially breaking it down by ward, to streamline the process of renting out these spaces. This initiative aimed to create a single point that would serve as a one-stop shop for residents and larger organisations looking to rent spaces. The Committee highlighted the commercial opportunities, especially in the context of hybrid working, where there was a demand for meeting rooms and office spaces. Members also discussed the potential for film and TV production in the Borough, given the proximity to Pinewood Studios.


The Committee emphasised the importance of investigating and scoping out the available spaces to understand their potential for income generation. Members also discussed the need for a strategy on how to use these spaces effectively and the importance of making the process of renting these spaces easy and efficient. It was hoped that the Committee would present a positive commercialisation opportunity to the Cabinet, having thoroughly investigated the available spaces and their potential uses.


There was also discussion about the existing community centres and the need to work with the voluntary sector to promote and support these spaces. The Committee acknowledged the efforts of community centres and the importance of not undermining the voluntary sector while exploring commercial opportunities.


The Committee agreed to take this topic forward for further review and investigation.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to investigate available Council owned spaces (rooms) for Business, Private hire, letting and commercialisation in the Borough.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 236 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan be noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 136 KB

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RESOLVED: That the work programme be noted.