Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Mark Braddock - email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: All Cabinet Members were present. |
Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting Minutes: No interests were declared by Members present.
To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting PDF 523 KB Minutes: The decisions and minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 14 December 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private Minutes: This was confirmed. |
Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Monitoring report PDF 388 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Notes the Council’s current financial position regarding its S106 balances and plans being progressed to deliver schemes in line with the S106 agreements made.
2. Notes the Hillingdon Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) outturn for the 2022/23 Financial Year.
Reasons for decision
Cabinet considered an update on the Council’s planning obligations monies received and the progress in the allocation, provision and implementation of these funds towards local projects to benefit residents.
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services drew Cabinet’s attention to the split of monies between Cabinet portfolios and those funds provisionally earmarked providing the routes for future expenditure on projects.
In respect of the Community infrastructure Levy, it was noted that Hillingdon’s portion was used for the Chrysalis environmental fund and importantly, towards the new Leisure Centre being built in West Drayton.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Public Preview of matters to be considered in private PDF 316 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet note the reports to be considered later in private and Part 2 of the Cabinet agenda and comment on them as appropriate for public information purposes.
Reasons for decision
The Leader introduced the report which provided a public summary of the matters to be discussed in the private part of the Cabinet meeting later, increasing the Council’s transparency.
Alternative options considered and rejected
These were set out in the public Cabinet report.
Void Property Repair Service Contracts Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet:
1. Accept the tender from Greyline Builders Limited for the provision of the LOT 1 – NORTH – Voids Repair Service Contract to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a period of 4 years at an estimated value of £857k per annum.
2. Accept the tender from Pilon Limited for the provision of the LOT 2 – CENTRAL – Voids Repair Service Contract to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a period of 4 years at an estimated value of £1.6m per annum.
3. Accept the tender from PFL Electrical Limited for the provision of the LOT 3 – SOUTH – Voids Repair Service Contract to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a period of 4 years at an estimated value of £1.8m per annum.
4. Accept the tender from Gilmartin Limited for the provision of the LOT 4 – RESERVE – Voids Repair Service Contract to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a period of 4 years at an estimated value of £50k per annum.
5. Agree that these contracts include the provision to extend the contract for a further 2+1 years (giving a potential contract duration of 7 years in total), delegating approval for any extension to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in consultation with Officers.
Reasons for decision
Following a competitive exercise to ensure best value, Cabinet accepted tenders for different contractors for the Void Property Repair Service. The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport noted the series of contractors that would cover three distinct areas of the Borough to help return vacated properties to the rentable housing stock efficiently and quicker.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet could have considered ad hoc tenders for batches of works, but for various reasons, as set out in the confidential report, discounted this.
Manned Guarding and General Security Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Accept the tender from Octaga Security Services Limited for the provision of security services at the Council’s Civic Centre and other corporate properties for a 4-year period from 15 March 2024 to 14 March 2028and at an estimated value of £753,000 per annum and £3,012,000 over 4 years.
2. Delegate authority to extend the contract for a further 2 years (bringing the total duration of the contract to 6 years), subject to performance and the approval of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport.
Reasons for decision
Following a competitive exercise to ensure best value, Cabinet accepted a tender for the security provision at the Council’s Civic Centre and other corporate properties. The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport welcomed the savings in respect of the contract.
Alternative options considered and rejected
The Collection and Treatment of co-mingled dry recycling materials Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet agrees to extend the current contract with Biffa Waste Services Ltd for the collection and treatment of co-mingled dry recyclables to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a two-year period from April 2024 to March 2026 and at the estimated cost of £2.7m for the period.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services introduced a report, which Cabinet agreed, setting out the latest position with the dry mixed recycling materials market and an extension of the existing contract for the collection and treatment of dry mixed recycling.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Land adjacent to 2 Barra Hall Villas, Wood End Road, Hayes Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Declares that the land adjacent to 2 Barra Hall Villas, Wood End Road Hayes UB3 2RN is surplus to requirements - the Property is shown edged red at Appendix 1.
2. Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in the Property on the open market, the method of sale to be by auction, subject to prevailing market conditions.
3. Delegates all future decisions regarding this disposal to Officers, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport.
Reasons for decision
Cabinet agreed the sale of the freehold interest in land adjacent to 2 Barra Hall Villas, Wood End Road Hayes UB3 at auction. The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport noted that this was a small parcel of land that the Council had no service use for.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet considered various options as set out in the confidential report.
CCTV Service, Maintenance and Repairs Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1) Accept the tender from DSSL Group Ltd to undertake CCTV Service, Maintenance, Repair & Upgrades at Corporate and Housing sites across the Borough for a 4-year period from 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2028;
2) Delegate authority for the provision to extend the contract for a further 2+2 years (8 years in total) to the Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services introduced a report, which Cabinet agreed, for a core contract for CCTV system maintenance, servicing and repairs for sites across the Borough.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Public Health Procurement Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1) a) Approve the award of Substance Misuse, Treatment and Recovery Service and Smoking Cessation Service following a competitive open tender exercise to Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust for the London Borough of Hillingdon for a five year period from 1 February 2024 until 31 January 2029 at a value of £16,246,744.70 (£3,108,201.89 pa plus £141,147.05)
b) with provision for a 2 + 2 year optional extension periods from 1st February 2029 until 31 January 2033 at a further value of £12,997,395.76, with any extensions delegated and subject to approval by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care.
c) Approve the Supplementary substance misuse treatment and recovery Grant as an additional grant funded service to the above contract from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 and at the value of £1,124,530.
2) Approve the award of a Collaboration Agreement for Child Health Services between the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and London Borough of Hillingdon for a five-year period from 1st April 2024 until 31 March 2029 at a value of £29,207,528.41 (£5,841,505.68 pa) with provision for a 2 + 2 year optional extension periods from 1st April 2029 until 31 March 2033 at a further value of £23,366,022.7, noting that there is a funding stream from the Integrated Care Board for Children’s Therapy Services for £2,284,182p.a. The intentions are that funding is managed via the Section 75 Fund. Furthermore, any extensions of this agreement are delegated and subject to approval by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members for Health & Social Care and Children, Families & Education.
3) Approve a short-term extension of the services which are within the above collaboration agreement, the 0-19 Healthy Child services (health visiting and school nursing), CITS - Children’s Integrated Therapy Service, and MAPS Multi Agency Psychological Support Team, to Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust for the London Borough of Hillingdon for a two-month period from 1 February 2024 to 31 March 2024 at a value of £973,584.28.
a) Extend the contract with London North West University Healthcare (“LNWUH”) for the provision of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to the London Borough of Hillingdon by two months from 1February 2024 to 31 March 2024 at a value of £594,683.60.
b) Approve the Direct Award to London North West University Healthcare (“LNWUH”) for the provision of Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services to the London Borough for a six-year period from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2030 at a value of £21,408,612 (£3,568,102 per year).
c) Extend the contract with 44 Individual GP surgeries for the provision of NHS Health Checks to the London Borough of Hillingdon by two months from 1 February 2024 to 31 March 2024 at a value of £46,666.67.
d) Approve the Direct Award to the GP Confederation Hillingdon for the provision of NHS Health Checks (management for 42 surgeries) to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a seven-year period from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2031 at a value of £2,757,707 (£368,958 per year plus £25,000 per annum) with the optional extension period of two years until 31 March 2033 at a value of £787,916. Officers will review annually against the latest OHID policy for potential changes in requirement / activity and any extension delegated for approval to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care.
e) Approve a Direct Award to West London Medical Centre and Church Road Surgery for the provision of NHS Health Checks (who are not members of the Confederation) for a seven-year period from 1st April 2024 until 31 March 2031 at a value of £9,042 per year (£63,293 in total over the period), with the optional extension period of two years until 31 March 2033 at a value of £18,084. Officers will review annually against the latest OHID policy for potential changes in requirement / activity, and any extension delegated and subject to approval by the Corporate Director of Adult Services & Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care.
f) Approve the Direct Award to the GP Confederation Hillingdon for the provision of Lifestyle Weight Management Service for Adults to the London Borough of Hillingdon for the period of two years from 1 February 2024 until 31 January 2026 at a total value of £150,000 (£75,000 per year)
5) Furthermore, Cabinet:
a. Notes that these public health services will only be provided whilst the relevant Government grants provide for them to be delivered. b. Notes that the contractual values set out in the recommended contracts above relate to year one expenditure and are to be funded in full from the specific grants referenced and the main public health grant. c. Agrees that for future years, any change or variation in contractual expenditure be authorised by the Cabinet and should be funded from existing public health grants, with no recourse to other Council funding sources. Cabinet also instructs officers to ensure this is determined and closely monitored through the budget monitoring and MTFF process.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care introduced a report, which Cabinet agreed, on a number of public health contracts and agreements for key public health services, including Substance Misuse, Treatment and Recovery Service, Smoking Cessation Service, health visiting and school nursing, Children’s Integrated Therapy Service, Multi Agency Psychological Support Service and NHS Health Checks.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Alternative options considered by Cabinet were set out in the confidential report.
Any other items the Chair agrees are relevant or urgent Minutes:
No additional items were considered by the Cabinet.
The meeting closed at 7:**pm.