Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Clerk to HSACRE - Email: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kishan Bhatt, Councillor June Nelson, Pauline Byles, Keith Lunn, Jenna Naulls, David Beeston and Michael Hawkins. |
2.1. Interfaith Introductions: Please bring with you a picture/image or item that is special to you
2.2. Audit of members Minutes: All HSACRE members had been requested to attend the meeting in person and bring with them a special item to share with other members. The following items were shared and discussed:
Stacey Burman – an item related to Star Wars which reminded her of a magical time in her life;
Ria Searle – photos of her wedding taken in May at a Roman Catholic Church in Wiltshire. Ria had been christened in the Church of England but had been brought up in a Catholic setting and felt Catholicism was her spiritual home;
Tim Wright – a photo of him with his Grandad who had worked as a missionary in Brazil. His grandad’s choices had involved considerable sacrifices, and the photo represented an inheritance of faith. Tim did not see the inheritance as a burden but as a gift to be ‘fanned into flames’.
Dorothy Sadlik – a small silver Airdale Terrier named ‘Honey’ and photos of a temporary wooden shelter (called a Sukkah) erected every year by her family over a period of some 30 years to celebrate the Jewish festival of Sukkot.
Hedson De Castro – a Bible used by the ladies at his Church to offer prayers following the passing of his mother. This had never been closed so he felt his mother was ever-present.
Councillor Ahmad-Wallana – photos taken during his Mayoralty, of a Civic Service attended by representatives of five different religions, which had been held at St Margaret’s Church in Uxbridge. The aim of the event had been to promote diversity and religious harmony, and a charter of peace had been signed.
Councillor Singh – photos of a primary school event at which the children had been interested in learning more about the Sikh religion. He commented that humanity was the best religion in the world.
Jamie Woodhouse – an information leaflet about Sentientism. Members heard that Sentientism was a philosophical world view which attempted to answer deep-rooted and important questions such as who and what mattered and how people could lead a good life. Sentientism rejected intraspecies discrimination and encouraged people to reconsider what had previously been considered normal.
Stacey Burman, HSACRE Advisor, commented that, nationally, the aim was to encourage schools to move away from the traditional religious education model and to instead explore the responses of different religions to questions such as ‘what makes us human?’ It was noted that question, enquiry and dialogue should be at the centre of all religious education. Stories about real people could help bring learning to life.
The importance of updating the website to include information about HSACRE members was noted. By the end of the term, all members were requested to send Stacey Burman an image or photo of a special item, together with a short piece of writing explaining why the item was important to them.
Councillor Singh informed members that Mr Jasvir Singh Rayah, member of HSACRE, had sadly passed away. It was agreed that a card would be sent to his family. ... view the full minutes text for item 44. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 393 KB Minutes: Two amendments to the minutes of the previous meeting dated 26 June 2024 were highlighted – it was noted that Councillor June Nelson had attended the meeting virtually whilst Councillor Ahmad-Wallana had submitted his apologies. It was agreed that the minutes would be updated accordingly.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting dated 26 June 2024 be agreed subject to the above amendments. |
National Updates
6.1. RE Hubs Website
6.2. Interfaith Week 10-17th November: new website
6.3. In Conversation with NASACRE online event, 26th November Minutes: Agenda item 6.1
The importance of registering on the RE Hubs website was highlighted.
Agenda item 6.2
Members were reminded about Interfaith Week which was to be held on 10-17 November, which was one reason for the introduction activities as the theme was ‘share your story.’
A future interfaith event for primary and secondary school children and religious community leaders was recommended. The HSACRE Advisor confirmed that she was organising a similar event in another Borough, and it would be good to have one in Hillingdon too.
Councillors noted the importance of religious harmony and inclusion and recommended school trips to different faith centres to raise awareness and increase understanding.
The Chair and HSACRE Advisor suggested that the work of HSACRE could be aligned to events such as Holocaust Memorial Day. Dorothy Sadlik commented that most Councils had a Committee for Holocaust Memorial Day. She would be happy to be involved with this and noted the importance of an interfaith approach.
Agenda item 6.3
Members were reminded about a ‘Conversation with NASACRE’ online event to be held on 26 November 2024. The HSACRE Advisor informed members that she would be attending the event.
7.1. Communication and Newsletters to schools and website
7.2. RE Leader/Coordinator Meetings
7.3. School Art Competition and RE Calendar
7.4. RE in schools, including schools’ Primary and Secondary E-Surveys
7.5. School Enquiries
7.6. Religious Observance Guidance
7.7. Self-Evaluation
7.8. Annual Report including Workforce and Examination Data
7.9. Critical Incident Policy (MG) Additional documents: Minutes: Agenda Item 7.1
Members heard that the HSACRE Advisor had been working alongside Nicki O’Flanagan, Education Improvement Partnerships Co-ordinator, to update the website which was now much clearer and incorporated a place for documents and newsletters and a link to the official SACRE page. In the future, HSACRE planned to add materials such as photos and bios of members in addition to resources for schools. It was hoped that the website would be able to link directly to HEAP in the future.
Agenda item 7.2
It was confirmed that Ria Searle would be hosting the secondary school training session. The primary school training had been held earlier that day with a focus on interfaith matters and the sharing of stories. The RE syllabus had also been discussed including a proposal to engage more with SACRE members and the need to base the curriculum around important concepts rather than individual religions. Members heard that the syllabus had to be reviewed every 5 years, but it was possible to scrutinise it in the interim. It was confirmed that a survey for schools had been developed and circulated; the results would feed into the syllabus review in due course.
Agenda item 7.3
The Advisor shared with SACRE that a schools’ art competition had been launched, and a few schools had sent in entries. However, it was agreed that the deadline would be extended so that more schools could be included as the Subject leads could bring more entries to the next primary school training session.
Agenda item 7.4
Members heard that there was a requirement to review the RE syllabus every 5 years, but it could be scrutinised in the interim. It was confirmed that a survey for schools had been developed and circulated; the results would feed into the syllabus. The SACRE annual report would include the results of the surveys in the future.
Agenda item 7.5
Members were informed that a newsletter had been circulated to school heads. It was noted that it would be beneficial to send this information directly to subject leaders / teachers and Members suggested that a review of the communication system be undertaken. The SACRE Advisor informed SACRE that working in partnership with Hillingdon Schools Partnership, Nicola O’Flanagan would be asked to provide the required contact details.
Tim Wright enquired whether Church of England primary and secondary schools in Hillingdon needed to complete the survey. It was confirmed that, by law, all schools had to follow a locally agreed syllabus re. the teaching of otherreligions. However, the diocese would have its own alternative syllabus, and the Governors could choose which syllabus to follow but usually opted for the diocese version. It was recognised that these syllabuses did not always meet the SACRE requirements in terms of modern RE teaching.
It was shared that that the HSACRE Advisor had attempted to make links with Hillingdon diocese, so that perhaps joint CPD sessions could be run with Church of England schools. Tim Wright would confirm the dates ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
Determinations Minutes: There were no updates regarding Determinations. |
Action Plan from 2023 and for 2024 -2025 Minutes: The working document had been included in the pack. The HSACRE Advisor confirmed that she would be developing an updated action plan for the next year. Members were invited to share with Stacey any suggestions for inclusion in the update plan, as this was intended as a ‘working document’.
Dates of Future Meetings PDF 42 KB Future Hillingdon SACRE meetings are currently scheduled for:
- 27 March 2025 Minutes: It was suggested that the next meeting be held on 26 March 2025 rather than 27 March 2025. The Advisor would liaise with schools and confirm this date in due course. This would once again be an in-person meeting.
AOB Minutes: No other business was discussed. |