7.1. Communication and Newsletters to schools and website
7.2. RE Leader/Coordinator Meetings
7.3. School Art Competition and RE Calendar
7.4. RE in schools, including schools’ Primary and Secondary E-Surveys
7.5. School Enquiries
7.6. Religious Observance Guidance
7.7. Self-Evaluation
7.8. Annual Report including Workforce and Examination Data
7.9. Critical Incident Policy (MG)
Agenda Item 7.1
Members heard that the HSACRE Advisor had been working alongside Nicki O’Flanagan, Education Improvement Partnerships Co-ordinator, to update the website which was now much clearer and incorporated a place for documents and newsletters and a link to the official SACRE page. In the future, HSACRE planned to add materials such as photos and bios of members in addition to resources for schools. It was hoped that the website would be able to link directly to HEAP in the future.
Agenda item 7.2
It was confirmed that Ria Searle would be hosting the secondary school training session. The primary school training had been held earlier that day with a focus on interfaith matters and the sharing of stories. The RE syllabus had also been discussed including a proposal to engage more with SACRE members and the need to base the curriculum around important concepts rather than individual religions. Members heard that the syllabus had to be reviewed every 5 years, but it was possible to scrutinise it in the interim. It was confirmed that a survey for schools had been developed and circulated; the results would feed into the syllabus review in due course.
Agenda item 7.3
The Advisor shared with SACRE that a schools’ art competition had been launched, and a few schools had sent in entries. However, it was agreed that the deadline would be extended so that more schools could be included as the Subject leads could bring more entries to the next primary school training session.
Agenda item 7.4
Members heard that there was a requirement to review the RE syllabus every 5 years, but it could be scrutinised in the interim. It was confirmed that a survey for schools had been developed and circulated; the results would feed into the syllabus. The SACRE annual report would include the results of the surveys in the future.
Agenda item 7.5
Members were informed that a newsletter had been circulated to school heads. It was noted that it would be beneficial to send this information directly to subject leaders / teachers and Members suggested that a review of the communication system be undertaken. The SACRE Advisor informed SACRE that working in partnership with Hillingdon Schools Partnership, Nicola O’Flanagan would be asked to provide the required contact details.
Tim Wright enquired whether Church of England primary and secondary schools in Hillingdon needed to complete the survey. It was confirmed that, by law, all schools had to follow a locally agreed syllabus re. the teaching of otherreligions. However, the diocese would have its own alternative syllabus, and the Governors could choose which syllabus to follow but usually opted for the diocese version. It was recognised that these syllabuses did not always meet the SACRE requirements in terms of modern RE teaching.
It was shared that that the HSACRE Advisor had attempted to make links with Hillingdon diocese, so that perhaps joint CPD sessions could be run with Church of England schools. Tim Wright would confirm the dates of said sessions and the HSACRE Advisor would email the survey to Tim. The dates of primary school CPD sessions would also be provided. Church of England schools would be encouraged to attend these sessions thereby gaining a better understanding of what other schools in the Borough were doing in respect of RE education.
Agenda item 7.6
Members were informed three schools in the Borough had raised queries, two regarding religious observance and had been referred to the Religious Observance Guidance document. It was confirmed that schools were obliged to teach RE across all key stages to all their children in response to a third.
Agenda item 7.7
Members were thanked for submitting their self-evaluations, details of which had been included in the agenda pack. It was noted that considerable progress had been made over the course of the last year.
Under Section 1 (Management of SACRE and partnership with LA and other key stakeholders), only one area was still shown as ‘developing.’ For Section 2 (Standards and quality of provision of RE), a few areas were marked as ‘developing’ but progress was being made. It was confirmed that work had only just started in respect of Section 3 (Effectiveness of the Locally Agreed Syllabus) but this area would also progress in the future. Finally, with regard to Section 4 (Collective Worship) it was noted that schools were required by law to have a daily act of collective worship, which was “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character”. This was not necessarily the same as an assembly, nor did these always need to include prayer to a particular entity or a confessional act of worship which was an exclusive religious activity but could be to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs. It was noted that it was possible to arrange collective worship with reflection which did not involve prayer to a being. It was suggested that, in the future, guidance could be provided to schools as to how this could be achieved.
Tim Wright observed that many children attending C of E schools did not have a Christian background. Collective worship needed to be handled sensitively, and it would be helpful to share good practice.
In the future, it was anticipated that HSACRE, in collaboration with schools and faith leaders, would be in a position to create examples of effective collective worship. It was noted that the support of parents would also be needed.
The Advisor noted the importance of further strengthening the HSACRE and building links with schools. It was encouraging to note that recent meetings had been quorate and there was now a shared understanding of what the SACRE hoped to achieve. It was noted that a review of the RE syllabus was required for the purposes of clarity. Examples would also be shared with parents to ensure transparency.
Agenda item 7.8
It was confirmed that a draft of the Annual Report had been included in the agenda pack. There was more information to be added including an introduction from the HSACRE Chair and additional wording from Michael Hawkins. It was noted that the format of the Annual Report was now far more comprehensive than it had been in the past.
Agenda item 7.9
Members heard that Michael Hawkins had suggested HSACRE provide guidance to schools regarding death and bereavement. It was recognised that it was important to talk about such things and this could be a useful learning opportunity for children. However, it was a very personal matter which warranted careful consideration.
As Michael Hawkins was not in attendance, it was agreed that the Critical Incident Policy would be discussed at the next meeting.
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