Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Anisha Teji, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email: or 01895 277655
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Elizabeth Garelick. |
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record. |
Minutes from the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee - 9 April 2024 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee meeting dated 9 April 2024 be agreed.
Minutes from Finance and Corporate Services Select Committee - 17 April 2024 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Finance and Corporate Services Select Committee meeting dated 17 April 2024 be agreed as an accurate record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked as Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked as Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items would be heard in Part I. |
Introduction to the Corporate Resources and Infrastructure Select Committee and its remit Minutes: The Committee considered the report detailing the Corporate Resources and Infrastructure Select Committee’s remit. Members received information on the Committee’s Terms of Reference, recent and current activity undertaken by other Select Committees, policy reviews and a full breakdown of different service areas.
Members took the view that the title of the Committee should be renamed to the ‘ Finance, Corporate Resources and Infrastructure Select Committee. It was considered that this would help to convey one of the primary responsibilities of the Committee. Members asked Democratic Services to explore this further.
Members acknowledged that this was a committee with a huge remit that considered various service areas. Ensuring thorough preparation and understanding of the agenda in advance was important to enable focussed and effective discussions at meetings. It was noted that site visits would also be useful.
RESOLVED: That Democratic Services explore the possible renaming of the Committee and that the report be noted.
Council's Emergency Management and Response Service Minutes: The Emergency Management and Response Service Manager provided Members with an overview of the service and recent examples of emergency management.
Members were advised that the service existed due to legal obligations under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 which required local authorities to plan, respond and provide resolutions during emergencies. Emergencies included events or situations that posed serious harm to human welfare, the environment, or national security.
The legal requirements of the act included assessing the likelihood of emergencies, conducting horizon scanning for risks and developing emergency plans to mobilise resources effectively. It also included establishing business continuity management arrangements, warning and informing residents during emergencies and sharing information with other local partners such as the ambulance, police and fire services. A key function of the service was to maintain the Hillingdon Multi Agency Community Risk Register by identifying any threats and mitigating any risks.
The Committee heard that a template for business continuity plan was provided to every service across the Council to complete and these were audited to ensure that they were fit for purpose. The Council’s Corporate Emergency Response Plan set out the procedures for emergency communications with a focus on communicating to residents and staff during an emergency
Members were informed that the Hillingdon Resilience Forum (HRF) had 84 members that facilitated cooperation among local responders through multi-agency training and exercises. The Council’s Emergency Management and Response Service involved category one and category two responders, including blue light partners, utility companies, transport providers, telecommunications, charities, and the voluntary sector. Additionally, the Council maintained an Emergency Management command structure ensuring 24/7 capabilities for responding to emergencies.
The Committee heard that the Emergency Management and Response Service operated on the nationally recognised model of bronze, silver, and gold. This standardised model ensured efficient multi-agency working and officers were informed of emergencies by the services or the contact centre. Officers would then assess the situation and coordinate the necessary response. Common emergencies included floods and fires.
The Committee was provided with real life examples of emergencies that had recently occurred such as car collision in Hayes, a suspected unexploded World War Two ordinance and a serious fire impacting two neighbouring houses.
Further to Member questions regarding the use of the bronze, silver and gold system, it was explained that this operated both locally and nationally and the roles ensured 24/7 coverage to respond to emergencies. In terms of the impact of location and risk of emergencies, it was noted that being close to Heathrow Airport posed increased risks such as counter terror, aviation collisions and fires.
In response to questions around managing emergencies in the Borough and available resources, it was noted that concurrent emergencies anywhere in the Borough would put pressure on council resources. However, mutual aid arrangements across London allowed resources to be borrowed from other local authorities. External resource could be sought after at least 48 hours. Members were advised that the ability to manage emergencies depended on the specific circumstances such as size, scale and ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Road Safety Review Update Minutes: The Committee considered the report on the former review into the Council’s Road Safety Initiatives and Activities around the Borough’s Schools. The report outlined the review and the draft recommendations put together by the former Committee.
RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1. Noted the former select committees’ review and their final draft conclusions, findings and recommendations in Appendix 1. 2. Delegated submission the ese, and the final report on the matter to the Cabinet to the Democratic Services Officer, in consultation with this Committee’s Chair and other Members as appropriate.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee requested further information on the London Borough of Hillingdon Digital Strategy prior to going to Cabinet in September 2024. It was agreed Democratic Services would look into this further and report back to the Committee.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the Forward Plan and requested further information on the London Borough of Hillingdon Digital Strategy. |
Additional documents: Minutes: After reviewing the minutes of the former Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee at agenda item 4, Members expressed concern regarding the status of the Council’s Fleet. An update was requested by Members to explore this matter further at the July 2024 meeting. It was agreed that Democratic Services would liaise with officers to arrange an update.
It was also agreed that Democratic Services would liaise with officers to obtain an update on digitalisation.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the Work Programme and agreed to hear updates on the Council’s Fleet and Digitalisation.