Agenda item

Park Lane, Hayes


Councillors Beulah East and Neil Fyfe attended the meeting and advised the Cabinet Member that initially they had been in favour of the extension of the double yellow lines.  Following further consideration they had changed their views and were now in support of the petitioners against the extension of the double yellow lines at the junction of Park Lane and Westacott Way.


Concerns and suggestions raised by petitioners included the following


·        The petition was submitted objecting to the extension of the yellow lines as no consultation had taken place with residents in Park Lane.

·        Officers had been advised that the notice put up in Park Lane, regarding the extension to the waiting restrictions, had disappeared within 2 hours of it being put up.

·        There were other concerns that needed consideration in regard to the volume and speed of traffic in Park Lane.

·        Park Lane was used to access shops, schools and business and a short cut to Yeading, Northolt and Balmoral Drive.

·        The road was heavily parked with cars and school buses.

·        If the trees in the road caused safety issues they should be cut down.

·        The extension of the yellow lines would not improve the site lines for cars exiting Westacott Way.

·        If traffic emerged slowly from Westacott Way there was no reason why vehicles could not exit safely into Park Lane.

·        Parking in Park Lane was already limited and would be further reduced if the yellow lines were extended.

·        Yellow lines at the opposite end of Westacott Way had resulted in an increase accidents.  Stats showed that there had been no accidents at the Park Lane/Westacott Way junction.

·        If yellow lines were extended overspill parking would occur in Westacott Way.

·        Consideration of the wider issues in the area should be taken into account.

·        The results of a recent survey into the volume of traffic would be published shortly and should be taken into consideration.

·        Traffic Calming measures and speed restrictions would be a better solution.

·        As part of the traffic calming measures a 20 – 25 mph speed limit in the area should be considered.

·        Speed Cameras should be installed to deter speeding in Park Lane.

·        If the trees in Park Lane were causing site line problems they should be removed.


The Ward Councillor made the following points:-


·        Thanked the petitioners for the comments that they had made.

·        The site lines would not be improved by the extension of the yellow lines.

·        The extension of the yellow lines would result in the loss of 2 kerbside parking spaces and restrict parking outside nos. 17 & 19 Park Lane.

·        The traffic survey carried out in 2010 at the top and bottom of Park Lane provided information on the volume and speed of traffic.

·        The extension of the yellow lines should be put on hold to allow further discussions on the volume and speed of traffic in the area.

·        Park Lane was used as a rat run and for parents dropping and picking up children from Hayes Park Primary School.

·        There were a number of cars parked in Park Lane all day, this included school buses.

·        Traffic calming measures were required to reduce the speed of traffic in Park Lane.


The Cabinet Member made the following points:


·        Paragraph 7 of the report sets out the statutory consultation that was required by law.

·        The petitioners were advised that officers would now write a report taking into consideration all the comments made for consideration by the Cabinet Member.

·        Where a person puts forward a possible road safety issue this had to be looked at by officers.

·        Where officers identified any road safety concerns the Road Safety Programme would be used to rectify these.

·        It was noted that two Ward Councillors who had originally supported the extension of the yellow lines had now withdrawn their support.

·        Until the report had been written, the Cabinet Member advised the petitioners, that he would not pre-judge what decision he would make.

·        The traffic survey undertaken would be looked at separately to the extension of the yellow lines.

·        There may be other traffic calming measures that could be considered as a result of the traffic survey recently undertaken.

  • The petitioners were advised that Speed Cameras were not managed by the Council and only installed where there was a history of at least 3 fatal or serious accidents within a 3 year period.

·        Local Ward Councillor’s views would be sought by officers, on any traffic calming measures that was being considered for Park Lane.


The Cabinet Member:


1.   Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns with the proposed waiting restrictions for Park Lane.


2.      Asked officers to take the petition into account including relevant

points raised by the petitioners at the petition evening together with all other representations from the public in the forthcoming report on the consultation results for the waiting restrictions.


Supporting documents: