Councillor John Hensley attended the meeting as a Ward Councillor in support of the petition.
Concerns and suggestions raised by petitioners included the following
The Ward Councillor made the following points:-
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:
· The national speed limits had changed over the years.
· The report highlighted that there had been 4 accidents over a three year period, with only one causing serious injury.
· There had been some success with the Vehicle Activated Signs, where used they had an impact on the speed of drivers.
· and only installed where there was a history of at least 3 fatal or serious accidents within a 3 year period..
· Advised the petitioners that recommendation 4 required a 24/7 speed stress survey to be undertaken at locations to be identified by the petitioners.
· Once the speed stress survey had been undertaken officers would discuss the data with Councillor Burrows and the local Ward Councillors.
· The data from the speed stress survey would be used to look at what physical measures could be used in Harvil Road
· In additional to the 4 recommendations contained in the report officers would be asked to look at the markings on the road to see if they needed to be renewed.
· Officers were asked to investigate the issue raised by the petitioner that in 1995 it had been agreed to improve street lighting to reflect the 30 mph speed limit.
That the Cabinet Member:
1. Met with the petitioners to discuss in greater detail their concerns with the speeding traffic on Harvil Road.
2. Asked officers to place this request on the Council’s Road Safety Programme for subsequent investigation and the development of possible options when resources permit.
3. Instructed officers to investigate the feasibility of adding Harvil Road to future Phases of the Vehicle Activated Signs Programme.
4. Instructed officers to arrange a 24 hour / 7 day speed survey on
Harvil Road at a location agreed with the petitioners and to report back to the Cabinet Member and local Ward Councillors,
5. Instructed officers to inspect the current road markings and re-instate if this was required.
Supporting documents: