Agenda item

Bushey Close, Ickenham


Councillor John Hensley attended the meeting as a Ward Councillor in support of the petition.


Concerns and suggestions raised by petitioners included the following


  • The last inspection carried out in September showed that the road in Bushey Close had deteriorated further.
  • Photographs were handed to the Cabinet Member that highlighted the petitioners Health & Safety concerns.
  • Bushey Close should be reinstated to the same standard as Hoylake Crescent.  Residents would not accept anything less.
  • Bushey Close was used by parents dropping and collecting children from Breakspear School.
  • Street cleaning services were unable to access Bushey Close, therefore residents were not receiving the services it paid for.
  • Bushey Close needed to be completely re-surfaced including the pedestrian access.
  • The pavement and kerbs were broken and crumbing and needed to be re-instated.
  • Suggested that Bushey Close should be added to the Parking Management Scheme.


The Ward Councillor made the following points:-


  • Supported the residents for Bushey Close to be completely re-instated.
  • There were no parking restrictions in Bushey Close.
  • The pavements need to be re-instated as they are in a poor state of reapair.
  • A Parking Management Scheme should be considered for Bushey Close.
  • Parking on the corners of Bushey Close reduced the road from 2 lanes to one lane.
  • Yellow lines on the corner of Bushey Close needed to be considered. 
  • If yellow lines were not put in this would cause more damage to the pavements.
  • Delivery vehicles have to mount the pavement to access the road.
  • The re-instatement of the road and pavements surfaces should be a high priority.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • A structural condition survey carried out  in 2010 showed Bushey Close was in a bad state disrepair.
  • A draft list for the next financial year for Capital Programme works had been drawn up.
  • Bushey Close was included on the draft list for roads that need urgent and complete re-surfacing.
  • The cost of re-surfacing had already been identified.
  • Once the draft list had been approved, it was hoped that the works would be undertaken within the first quarter of the next financial year.
  • The works would also be governed by the weather so no date could be given as to when the works would be undertaken. .
  • The issues raised in relation to the Parking Management Scheme and yellow lines needed to be raised with the Ward Councillor, so this could be raised with officers.
  • If residents were in favour of a PMS scheme it would need to go through the normal process of consultation and advertising and would be considered when roads in the surrounding PMS scheme came up for review.
  • An additional recommendation would be added to ask officers to undertake an Inspection of the pavement and kerbs in Bushey Close and report back to the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors the findings and any remedial work required.


The Cabinet Member asked the petitioners whether they would be happy for the bollards on the corner of Bushey Close to be removed.   The photographs provided suggested that there was insufficient space for buggy’s to use the path safely.  The residents were asked to feed back there views to their Ward Councillor.


That the Cabinet Member:


1.              Considered the petitioners’ request and discussed with them in

detail their concerns regarding the condition of the carriageway surface.


2.              Instructed officers to place Bushey Close on to the list for roads

being considered for treatment in a future resurfacing programme.


3.       Asked officers to undertake an inspection of the pavements and kerbs and the remedial treatment required and report back the findings to the Cabinet Member and local Ward Councillors.


Supporting documents: