Agenda item

Major Review - Operation and Function of the Hillingdon First Card - Witness Session


For the first witness session of the review Members heard evidence from Emma Hallett, Marketing Consultant of Drek Associates and David Holdstock, Head of Corporate Communications.


The Head of Corporate Communications provided Members with the background to the consultation which took place before the Hillingdon First Card was introduced, together with details on the promotion and publicity around the scheme. Issues raised during the presentation included:


·           In 2007 the Council undertook formal and informal consultation with residents and local businesses to find out views on a residents’ privilege card. Three focus groups were held to see what should the card offer, what should the card be called, its appearance etc

·           Residents helped design the appearance of the card and very much shaped its purpose

·           There was a three phased marketing and promotional campaign for the card

·           The business element of the scheme was introduced around the time of the change in the economic climate

·           Businesses were included in the scheme to get residents to shop locally

·           Reference was made to face to face interviews with 500 residents which took place with 80% of residents saying they had used their card, with 61% using the card at least once a week

·           The main use of the card was for parking and for use in the Council’s libraries

·           A Hillingdon First Card Business Directory was produced which was welcomed by residents  

·           Some residents were unsure as to which shops and businesses provided discounts or incentives as part of the scheme

·           Attendance at the consultation which took place for local businesses had been poor

·           Marketing material had been sent to all signed up businesses but there had been varied levels of usage of this material

·           Reference was made to the Hillingdon First Card’s webpage on the Council’s internet site which provided residents with details of how to apply for a card, managing the card, how to use the card and also details on the Hillingdon First Directory      


Emma Hallett explained that the brief of Drek Associates with the Hillingdon First Card was to recruit business members to the scheme.


Issues raised during her presentation were:


·        In challenging economic times as at present, people look for some benefit in owning the Hillingdon First Card

·        There has been a favourable introduction of the card with the predictable major usage being discounted car parking charges.

·        Of the current uses of the card, the use of the card by residents in local businesses was the least used. This did not constitute a failure as the business element of the card was not the primary use

·        In relation to businesses that were part of the scheme; they were generally appreciative of the initiative and many would like to support it. However some businesses held back from either committing to a fixed term incentive or giving a too good an incentive, as this may only be giving a benefit to existing customers. This would not attract additional business or footfall to compensate for the loss profit from discounts given. In the present economic climate, this was even more of an issue

·        Members were informed that over 1,000 Hillingdon  businesses were spoken to and over 300 businesses in the High Street, trading areas and small shopping parades had signed up to the scheme

·        The Committee noted and praised the work of Drek Associates for exceeding their target in relation to business involvement

·        Reference was made to Drek Associates widening their recruitment of businesses on industrial estates and self employed businesses

·         Business owners overall made positive statements about the scheme but there were some negative comments. These included:

·      There was a need for the continual promotion of the scheme

·      The internet was important but many recognised that customers responded best to visual promotions in shops

·      In many businesses total flexibility of offer was needed to reflect changing economic times and seasonal footfall

·      Some businesses on the Borough’s boundaries had expressed concern that their existing customers from adjoining local authorities were aggrieved at not receiving discounts and they may decide to shop elsewhere

·      Within the existing budget and resources there could be further opportunities to raise awareness and appreciation both for the businesses and residents

·      National businesses such as Insurance companies, motor vehicle breakdown services etc were generally not receptive to joining the scheme because the card would result in regional differentials in terms of price     


The Committee discussed some of the issues raised and these were summarised as follows:


·    The Council was in the process of redesigning the public website and this could be an opportunity to revisit the Hillingdon First Card web pages and look at its design

·    The organisation of promotion awareness days to jog residents’ awareness of the benefits and uses of the card

·    The use of Council notice boards within sports centres and libraries to display information about the card and businesses which were part of the scheme. Possibly leaflets being produced

·    The linking of the promotion of the Hillingdon First Card with events such as Hillingdon Pride which could showcase local businesses which were in the scheme. This could increase the footfall for local businesses

·    A focus on district promotions

·    Continuation of the use of Hillingdon People to publicise the card

·    The investigation of the use of application software (Apps) and the introduction of QR codes on marketing material to increase the profile of Hillingdon First Card. Would have to be within existing resources

·    The featuring of businesses that Hillingdon First Card has brought increased business to which would be a good incentive for other businesses to join

·    Making it easier for businesses to update offers in the scheme

·    The targeting of self employed businesses who operate from their home address within the Borough

·    Working with businesses in the Manor Farm Re-development


Members thanked the two witnesses for the information they had provided the review.


Members asked that for the next meeting a representative(s) from one of the Borough’s Chambers of Commerce be invited to provide the review with their views on the Hillingdon First Card scheme and find out how the Council and local businesses could work together to increase the number of businesses who were part of the scheme.


Officers were also asked to provide a report to the next meeting on some of the suggested IT and telecommunications initiatives which could be used for the purpose of increasing the profile and promoting further the Hillingdon First Card.       




1.      That the information provided by the witnesses be noted and be included as part of the evidence for the review.


 2. That a representative from one of the Borough’s Chambers of Commerce be invited to the next meeting and officers be asked to provide a report detailing some of the suggested IT and telecommunications initiatives which could be used for the purpose of increasing the profile and promoting further the Hillingdon First Card.    

Supporting documents: