Agenda item

5 Poplars Close, Ruislip - 61775/APP/2011/1204

Single storey side/rear extension.


Recommendation: Approval


Single storey side/rear extension.


The application related to a semi-detached house dating from the 1930's on the southwestern side of Poplar Close, a cul-de-sac serving eleven dwellings and a scout hall. Poplar Close was off Ickenham Road, near the junction of Ickenham Road with High Street.


The site was within the Developed Area as identified in the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and the Ruislip Village Conservation Area.


The proposal was for a side and rear extension that would wrap around the rear of the existing house. The house had been extended in the past with a hip to gable roof alteration for a loft conversion under Permitted Development rights. This was undertaken prior to the property being included within the Ruislip Village Conservation Area.


The main considerations were the design and impact of the extension on the house and wider locality, the impact on the amenities of adjoining occupiers and car parking considerations. With regard to any loss of privacy, it was considered that the proposal would not have an adverse affect on the amenity of adjoining residents. The proposal would involve no additional side facing windows.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in objection to the proposal was invited to address the meeting. Mr Trevor Browne spoke on behalf of the petitioners:

·        Mr Browne explained to Members that before Christmas the officer recommendation was to refuse this application.

·        That the plans previously submitted were similar to what was being presented in the report to Committee.

·        The majority of the residents in the area were elderly and when amendments came out they did not have access to the updated plans.

·        Mr Browne questioned why the recommendation had changed and that there were only small changes to the report.

·        It was felt that the application was overdevelopment and would be over dominant.

·        He felt the comments on the previous report were still relevant.

·        Mr Browne asked Members to vote against the officer recommendation and refuse the application.


The agent was not present.


A Ward Councillor was present and addressed Committee:

·           The Ward Councillor supported the objections of the residents.

·           It was stressed that the was development in a Conservation Area.

·           That the large roof extension was against policy B15, and it would impact on amenities.

·           The Ward Councillor found it difficult to see how the application would enhance the area.

·           It was urged that the Committee gave serious consideration to the points that were raised regarding the application.


Officers commented on the plans submitted with the application and stated that the Council had no control over who draws the plans. A number of minor revisions had been done on the plans due to some inaccuracies. Officers also commented that the proposal was a regular shape roof form. This was no different to a large amount of applications approved across the Borough, including in Conservation Areas.


Officers spoke about the flue and explained that for the application this would have to be taken down and that any new flue put back should have some control over by the Council. Therefore a condition would need to be added here.


Members agreed that they were not happy with the plans and felt that a site visit would be beneficial. It was also noted that the conservation officer comments in the report were not very detailed.


The recommendation for deferral was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That the application be deferred for a site visit.

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