Agenda item

Masson Avenue - Petition Requesting to be included in the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme


Councillor Allan Kauffman attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners.  Councillors Shirley Harper-O’Neill and Judy Kelly sent their apologies.


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • The petitioner circulated photographs to show (the state of the parking condition in the road) and the location of the houses.
  • Had written to the Council to ask for the top of Masson Avenue to be included in the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme zone
  • That whilst half of King Edwards Avenue had been included in the scheme, Masson Avenue had not.
  • Checked with residents who had received consultation papers relating to the scheme. However, some of the residents had not completed the form, as they found it difficult to understand.
  • Checked the facts about the scheme and clarified the details to confused residents.
  • Advised that there were 51 households and not 50 as stated in the officer’s report; 33 had signed the petition and had wanted parking restrictions to enable them to access their own drives.
  • Advised that drivers coming from the A40 as well as commuters parked in Masson Avenue.
  • That parents dropping and collecting their children to and from school would park across driveways and block residents.
  • The car wash at 315 West End Road, (which also sold vehicles up to 17 April 2011) also parked vehicles for repair on Masson Avenue because they did not have sufficient parking spaces to accommodate vehicles waiting to be repaired.
  • In addition, cars queuing up to use the car wash would often block West End Road which resulted in further congestion with cars queuing up along residents’ driveways while waiting to access the car wash.
  • A resident had been forced to telephone the operators of the car wash on a number of occasions to ask for the cars to be moved away from his driveway.
  • Residents had suffered frequent abuse from vehicle owners who had been asked to move their cars from their driveways.
  • Some residents had missed hospital appointments as a result of not being able to get their cars out of their drives.
  • Requested some form of parking restriction that would allow residents to be able to access their own drives.
  • Stated that petitioners had requested some form of parking measure in 2010 but due to the low level of support for the scheme during consultation, Masson Avenue was not included. The low response had been due to many residents being confused about the proposed scheme, as they thought that parking permits would be required at their own cost.
  • That fly tipping from vans had caused problems. There were also allegations that rubbish from the car wash were being left in the road.
  • Reported that they had been advised by some parents that the Headteacher had asked the GAA Sports and Social Club in West End Road whether parents could use their park in their car park. 


A Ward Councillor spoke and raised the following points:


  • Was very familiar with the problems that had been raised by the petitioners.
  • Confirmed that the GAA Club had agreed for parents to use their car park when dropping and collecting their children to and from school.
  •  Stated that Masson Avenue would be the last road in the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme Zone to be included in the scheme and urged that it be implemented as soon as possible.
  • Advised that the car wash was initially a family owned business. However the business had now been sold and the site was subject to enforcement proceedings.
  • Suggested that there had been problems with Glebe Farm and the issue of transporters causing an obstruction to the highway when loading cars.
  • Acknowledged that it had been stated in the report that Masson Avenue would be included in the review of the South Ruislip Scheme in 6 -12 months time but urged that it was of the utmost importance for it to be looked at now, as the problem would only get worse for residents.
  • Suggest that once the scheme was implemented, the issues with the car wash would be precluded.
  • Believed that there were extenuating circumstances for consideration to be given to including Masson Avenue to the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme sooner.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • Advised that the Council had anticipated residents in Masson Avenue would wish to be included in the scheme, as it was so close to the A40 and the train station.
  •  The Cabinet Member attached a third recommendation and requested officers to speak to colleagues in relevant Departments about 315 West End Road and investigate the business that was in operation.
  • Advised that 6 months from the 6 February 2012 (6 August 2012) was the earliest that a review could be considered, as officers could not progress the review any quicker due to the sizeable work programme.
  • The Cabinet Member advised that he usually agreed for reviews to take place in either 6 or 12 months time and confirmed that in this case, a review could take place within the 6 months period.


Officers advised that:


  • Residents in one part of Edwards Avenue had been in support of the scheme, whilst residents living in the other part had been against the scheme.
  • An informal consultation was required to be undertaken to ensure that the Council’s statutory requirements were met and adhered to.
  • Ward Councillors would be consulted and residents were welcomed to contact officers to clarify confusion that they may have.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Meets and discusses with petitioners their concerns with parking in Masson Avenue, Ruislip.


  1. Subject to the outcome of the discussions with petitioners, asks officers to include the request in a subsequent review of the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme.


  1. Instructed Officers speak to colleagues in relevant Departments regarding the business at 315 West End Road.


Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and inform them that the Council intends to include Masson Avenue in the next review of the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme.


Alternative Options Considered


None, because the petitioners have made a request to be included within the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme Zone SR.


Supporting documents: