Agenda item

Pepys Close - Petition Requesting Measures to prevent All Day Non-Residential Parking


Councillor John Hensley attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners. 


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


·        Stated that 3 late responses had been sent to the Council soon after the original petition had been received which now brought the number of response to 36 and now represented 60% of the households.

·        Stated that there had been a low response from the flats due to limited access for security reasons.

·        Advised that the reason for the petition had been due to vehicle drivers and commuters parking irresponsibly and obstructing other road users which had caused safety issues to arise.

·        Welcomed the double yellow lines that had been installed at the junction of Milton Road but stated that this had not resolved the problem, which still persisted at the bottom of the narrow road. Highlighted that the situation would become even worse with the implementation of the parking restrictions in Milton Court.

·        Stated that the introducing parking restrictions in Pepys Close would ensure safe access for emergency services vehicles, refuse collection, delivery vehicles as well as residents.

·        Added that restrictions would also provide parking for visitors and prevent all day parking by commuters.

·        Suggested that the most viable scheme to assist residents and their visitors would be for single yellow lines on both sides of the road, with each side having different no-parking time slots to the other; such as 9am-11am on one side and 12pm-2pm on the other side.

·        Indicated that 2a (Parking Permit) of the Council’s Parking Management Scheme option would be more acceptable, as 2b would still allow cars to block driveways.

·        Suggested that some residents were anxious about parking permit costs, even though this had been explained. Residents were particularly fearful that the cost of parking permits would be increased as soon as it had been installed, and suggested this had occurred elsewhere.


A Ward Councillor spoke and raised the following points:


  • That the road had different types of properties with the flats having dedicated parking spaces and suggested therefore, that the issue was related more to the houses.
  • Stated that it made sense to extend parking restrictions in Pepys Close and excluding the flats would be practical as many were rented accommodation, which explained why there had been a low response from occupiers of the flats.
  • Suggested that houses in Milton Court should also be considered, as all residents had garages and driveway parking.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • Advised that during consultation, all residents were required to be consulted. Therefore it was a requirement that residents living in the flats were included.
  • Explained that the Council took into account the actual responses received to the consultations.
  • Residents would need to be in agreement as to the type of restriction they preferred.
  • Stated that the options for the most appropriate parking measures would be discussed with Ward Councillors. Following discussions, the consultation document would then be sent to all residents in Pepys Close.
  • The Cabinet Member confirmed that the preferred options of residents arising from the consultation would be examined and a report would be written providing a series of options.  


Officers advised that:


  • It was not common to have many different types of enforcement options, as this would cause a lot of confusion for residents.
  • Officers would liaise with Ward Councillors and residents would be provided with the most appropriate options for them to make a decision on their preferred option.
  • Confirmed that one consultation document would be sent to each household and officers would analyse the returns from properties based in Pepys Close.
  • Any questions that residents may have requiring clarification would be most welcomed.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Meets and discusses with petitioners their concerns with parking in Pepys Close.


  1. Subject to the outcome of 1 above, asks officers to add the request to the Council’s programme for parking schemes for future consultation on options to address all day non-residential parking and then to report back to local Ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member on the outcome.


Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and if appropriate add their request to the parking scheme programme.


Alternative Options Considered


None at this stage.

Supporting documents: