Agenda item

Station Road, West Drayton - Petition Requesting To Keep Existing Parking Spaces on Station Road, West Drayton


Councillors Michael Bull, Paul Buttivant and Anita MacDonald attended the meeting as Ward Councillors in support of the petitioners. 


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by petitioners at the meeting included the following:


  • The retailers on Station Road had not been made aware of the consultation exercise which had taken place regarding the proposed improvements for Station Road
  • A copy of a petition signed by local traders was passed to the Cabinet Member which informed him that they had not received the consultation feedback leaflets on the proposed improvements for Station Road
  • Reference was made to the Portas review which looked into the decline of the viability of high streets and this identified that a lack of suitable parking was cited as one of the causes for the decline
  • The proposal to reduce the parking spaces on Station Road would impact on local businesses
  • The proposed off street parking was situated at least 300 yards from the major shopping area in Station Road. In inclement weather this would be too far for shoppers to use
  • The Council’s “stop and shop” would become meaningless if the convenient parking was removed
  • There had only been one accident recorded on the junction of Warwick Road and Station Road which should not warrant the re-profiling of the pavements
  • The shops needed delivery vehicles to park outside to enable restocking to take place
  • The removal of parking bays would mean that delivery vehicles would have to park some 50 yards up the road which would mean that restocking would have to take place by trolley, and would involve the re-crossing of Warwick Road
  • Reference was made to the pavements on either side of the entrance to the bus terminal and the railway station which were of comparable width to those on Station Road


All three Ward Councillors spoke in support of the petitioners


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points. He acknowledged that there had only been 1 accident in three years and he informed the petitioners of the background to the West Drayton Town Centre Improvement Scheme, which included the proposals for Station Road.


The petitioners were informed that the original consultation began in April 2009 and this involved the circulation of leaflets, which did not give specifics on the scheme, such as proposals relating to parking bays.


Reference was made to the petitioner’s point about the comparisons with the pavements close to the bus station and the railway station. The meeting was informed that these pavements were not owned by the Council.




That the Cabinet Member:


1. Met with the petitioners and discussed with them, their concerns regarding the proposal to remove the three parking bays from outside shops No. 19 to 23, Station Road.


2. Asked officers to take into account the views of the petitioners and to look at other options in relation to parking arrangements


3. Will look at the options which officers bring back to him, in consultation with the three Ward Councillors.


Reasons for recommendation

The petitioners are concerned with the loss of parking spaces in their road. The recommendations will explore the extent of their concerns and look at possible solutions to mitigate these concerns.


Alternative options considered / risk management

No other options have been considered.

Supporting documents: