Agenda item

Carew Road, Northwood - Petition Against & Petition in Support of the Proposed Traffic Calming Measures


Item 6 and 7 were both in regard to proposed traffic calming measures for Carew Road. A petition was received in support of the proposal and a petition was received in objection. Both petitions were considered together by the Cabinet Member.


Councillor Carol Melvin attended as a Ward Councillor.


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Mrs Lisa Maclay spoke on behalf of the petition submitted which was against the proposed traffic calming measures for Carew Road.
  • It was noted that the petition was signed by residents of Carew Road.
  • Petitioners felt the proposals were too extreme.
  • That if the proposed measures went ahead it would result in a ‘jungle’ with the extra road furniture.
  • There were only brief periods of traffic; in the morning and afternoon.
  • Councillor Scott Seaman-Digby’s comments had been emailed and received by the Cabinet Member.
  • The proposals would have a detrimental impact.
  • There would be an increase of noise from cars going over traffic tables.
  • The traffic tables and humps would cause homes to shake. 
  • That any problems on the road were caused by a lack of consideration by parents dropping their children to school.
  • The introduction of a zebra crossing would not prevent the parking by parents.
  • Parking spaces were already limited.
  • The road humps would cause discomfort to the elderly.
  • The petitioners had researched into traffic calming measures and it was noted that the Mayor of London asked Councils to consider alternatives to road humps.
  • Road humps lowered the tone and caused a nuisance.
  • Another Council had planned to get rid of street clutter.
  • Petitioners agreed that there could be a compromise but felt the proposals were out of context.
  • They asked that a 20mph zone be looked at as a trial.


  • Mrs Millet spoke on behalf of the petition submitted which was in support of the proposed traffic calming measures.
  • It was noted that there were 2 schools at either end of Carew Road. But there was nowhere safe for children to cross.
  • There was an accident 2 years ago when Mrs Millet was walking her 9 year old daughter to school. A car knocked into her daughter.
  • This encouraged Mrs Millet to look into road safety and traffic calming measures.
  • If the proposals were enforced then traffic would be forced to travel at a slower speed.
  • The local traffic would think twice before using the road as a cut through.
  • Parents may consider walking their children to school.
  • Last year 26 children died on British roads, and 1,600 were seriously injured.
  • As stated by the Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents, speed significantly increases the chance of injury and fatality.
  • It was noted that travelling at 20mph resulted in a 2.5% fatality chance, and travelling at 30mph resulted in a 40% chance of a fatality.
  • Mrs Millet stated that speed tables were quite different to speed humps, and were noise free.
  • Mrs Millet used to walk the last 5 minutes to the school to drop her daughter off. Since the accident she now drove to Carew Road as there was nowhere safe to cross.
  • She could not consider giving her 11 year old daughter the independence of walking to school whilst there was not a safe crossing.


A Ward Councillor spoke and raised the following points:

  • The Ward Councillor stated that the officer report was inaccurate in stating that Ward Councillors were consulted and in support of the proposals.
  • The Ward Councillor had originally sent an email to officers to state she strongly disagreed with the proposals due to it being a busy and narrow road.
  • She did not think the 20mph speed limit would be a problem.
  • But was against speed tables and she knew there to be issues surrounding them.
  • The Ward Councillor supported the request for a suitable crossing.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:

  • The Cabinet Member noted the letter received from Mrs Evelyn Lax which was against the proposed traffic calming measures. This letter was passed to Democratic Services.
  • 24/7 speed volume surveys had been undertaken. On two occasions the survey equipment had been deliberately tampered with.
  • The Cabinet Member asked officers to note the comments made by petitioners in support and objection of the proposals and report back to the Cabinet Member on options and a revised report.
  • The Cabinet Member would also take into account the original data from the surveys as this was an indicator on the trends. This data informed what type of vehicle was using the road, the time and speed of the vehicle. This data was used and analysed.
  • The original proposal put forward to the Cabinet Member would be considered along with new options the officers looked into.
  • That, if possible, a crossing near the school could be considered. This would need to go through the relevant safety audit.
  • It was noted the original designs had been through the safety audit.
  • The options would be discussed with Ward Councillors, and the Cabinet Member would try to come up with proposals that suit both parties.
  • It was noted that the Cabinet Member would have looked at Police Data. There had been two accidents involving children on the road. The Cabinet Member had a legal responsibility to look into this seriously.
  • The Cabinet Member also informed petitioners that the London Borough of Hillingdon did not use speed humps.
  • The Cabinet Member was not looking at making the road safe just for the schools but for everyone who used the roads.
  • If the petitioners or residents had any further comments they wished to be considered, they could forward this to their Ward Councillors or to the Cabinet Member. All comments would be taken on board.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns and support with the proposed traffic calming measures for Carew Road.


2.      Noted that two separate petitions had been received from residents, one against and one for the proposed traffic calming measures. 


3.      Noted the outcome of an informal consultation and traffic survey undertaken.


4.      Asked officers to conduct a review of the proposed traffic calming measures under the Road Safety Programme and report back to the Cabinet Member.


Reasons for recommendation


To give the Cabinet Member the opportunity to discuss in detail the petitioners’ concerns


Alternative Options Considered


This was discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: