Agenda item

Residents Services 2013/14 Budget Proposals


Members indicated insufficient time had been given to consider the summary of the budget report (circulated prior to the meeting), which had been inadvertently omitted from the Residents Services 2013/2014 Budget Proposals papers that were included in the agenda for this meeting. 


 It was noted that some Members had not had the opportunity to read the paper and agreed that officers would take Members through the report, to provide a briefing. Members would then submit any comments they may have by Friday 25 January 2013. 


The Committee also agreed that any comments submitted would be collated and sent to the Chairman to be agreed before putting forward to Corporate Services and Partnership Policy Overview Committee meeting on 6 February 2013 and subsequently submitted to Cabinet on 14 February 2013.


The Chairman of the Committee welcomed Andy Evans, Head of Finance to the meeting.


It was noted that the 2013/14 Residents Services Budget Proposals had been considered at the 20 December 2012 Cabinet meeting. The budget proposals, including comments received from Policy Overview Committees would then be considered at the Cabinet meeting being held on 14 February 2013.


The following points were noted:


  • The Council had delivered approximately £60m of savings over the past three years and initial plans had been developed to deliver £12.8m savings required in 2013/2014. However the long-term outlook continued to be challenging.
  • This would be the fifth successive year of a zero increase in Council tax.
  • The delivery of savings within Residents Services was driven through the transformation and the HIP Business Improvement Delivery Programme. This included reorganisation and re-structure to remove duplication and examining alternative methods of service delivery.
  • Alongside this opportunities have been taken to bid for external grants, and there continued to be a focus on procurement improvements.
  • Fees and charges had been reviewed and there continued to be an emphasis on the differentiations between Hillingdon residents and non- resident charges.
  • The 2013/14 draft savings include £536.000 based on a new contract for dry recycling waste services, which had been facilitated by a successful application for DCLG grant funding to enhance facilities at New Years Green Lane Civic Amenity site.


The Committee was informed that much of the budget work had necessarily concentrated on savings. However on a more positive note members wereasked to note the Priority Growth items set out in Appendix B. The following were highlighted:


  • A dedicated officer at Ruislip Lido
  • A Planning for Business Co-ordination
  • Provision of £108k for Community Safety projects and £65k for enhanced Litter Collection


In response to a question about the Planning Business Co-ordination post, Members were advised that the post holder would look at applications at the pre-application stage when businesses were looking to develop in the Borough. This was intended to encourage businesses to locate in the Borough, with the resulting economic growth having potential benefits for the council through the new business rate retention scheme.


With regard to the gap shown in the proposed charges for non-residents in relation to exclusive rights of burial (Lawn section graves), it was noted that fees and charges proposals for this area were still being developed and these were yet to be confirmed.




That the Committee notes the budget projections contained in the report and comments would be submitted by Members by 25 January 2013 to be agreed by the Chairman, before putting forward to Corporate Services and Partnership Policy Overview Committee meeting on 6 February 2013. These would then subsequently be submitted to Cabinet on 14 February 2013.

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