Agenda item

Petition Requesting Footway Parking to be Permitted in Corwell Lane, Hillingdon


Councillors Janet Gardner and Phoday Jarjussey attended as Ward Councillors in support of the petitioner.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


  • Corwell Lane was so narrow that if vehicles were parked badly or cars were double parked, it was impossible for larger vehicles to use the road.
  • If a white line were painted onto the road it would have demarked both sides of the road and there would not be an issue.
  • Emergency vehicles including fire engines had become stuck in the past and thereby had been unable to respond effectively to emergency calls.
  • There had been many occasions when parked vehicles had been hit by oncoming traffic and either the sides of vehicles and or wing mirrors had been damaged.
  • The petition had been signed by 40 residents from predominantly the southern section of Corwell Lane and requested that footway parking be permitted to improve access locally.



Both ward Councillors spoke and the following points were raised:


  • Members were aware that there had been damage caused to cars parked on Corwell Lane in the past.
  • Members were aware that ambulances had experienced difficulties both dropping off and collecting patients.
  • The petitioner had made a strong case for footway parking to be permitted in the future.


The Cabinet Member listened to petitioners concerns and responded to the points raised.


Councillor Burrows was in agreement with petitioners that there appeared to be an access issue with the road. Councillor Burrows confirmed that the request would be added to the work programme and suggested that this summer would probably be the earliest opportunity for the consultation process to begin.


Councillor Burrows urged petitioners and local residents to respond to the consultation documentation when this was received and also encouraged them to contact The Roads and Projects Team if any aspects of the proposals were unclear. Officers confirmed that ward Councillors would be notified when the consultation process was due to commence.


In relation to access for emergency vehicles, Councillor Burrows confirmed that the Council undertook regular Transport Liaison meetings to establish whether there were any long standing issues. He also explained that the Emergency Services were also in regular contact with the Council and a log existed which recorded incidents when they arose.


Officers confirmed that they would contact the Emergency Services to enquire whether a ‘dummy run’ could be conducted after 6pm to test access on Corwell Road. In addition, Officers also confirmed that they would check with Refuse Services to establish whether they had encountered problems in the past. The Cabinet Member agreed both recommendations in the officer report.


Resolved  - That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Considers the petitioners’ request for footway parking in Corwell Lane, Hillingdon


  1. Asks officers to add Corwell Lane between the junction of Lansdown Road and Harlington Road to the programme for Footway Parking Exemption Schemes so that subsequently, design and consultation with residents can be carried out when resources permit.


Reasons for recommendation


From initial investigation the layout of a section of Corwell Lane between the junction of Lansdown Road and Harlington Road will allow footway parking to take place in accordance with the Council’s criteria. However, subject to the Cabinet Member’s approval of the recommendations to this report, detailed investigation would be required before a scheme could be designed.



Alternative options considered / risk management


None were considered as the petitioners had made a specific request to park on the footway.



Supporting documents: