Agenda item

Residents' concerns regarding the impact of lorries in Cowley Mill Road and the surrounding streets in the Uxbridge South Ward.


Councillor David Routledge attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


  • There was an issue with the phasing of the lights on the junction of Cowley Mill Road and Waterloo Road.
  • Learner drivers used the area and were often stuck at the lights.
  • The problem with the lorries was getting worse.
  • Houses would shake from the movement of lorries causing roof tiles to fall off.
  • The Council should control the situation and planning consent should not have been given.
  • A depot with additional lorries has heightened the problem.
  • Would like the log books of a local lorry company inspected.
  • A lorry was recently grounded on the bridge.
  • Lorries were creating potholes in the road.
  • Cowley Mill Road was not suitable for the amount of traffic that was using it.
  • A width restriction was needed to stop people using Cowley Mill Road as a cut through to Slough and Iver.


Councillor David Routledge spoke in support of the petitioners’ request and raised the following issues.


  • Uxbridge Trading Estate has been a problem for the past 60 years.
  • Sat on the planning committee that refused the application that was approved by the planning inspectorate.
  • The phasing of the traffic lights needed to be addressed.
  • A larger bridge would help.
  • Would be better if commercial vehicles were not allowed to use the bridge.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.


Councillor Burrows informed petitioners that the Planning Inspectorate went against the Councils decision and approved the planning application in favour of the developer. 


Councillor Burrows informed petitioners that a 24/7 speed survey had already been commissioned by himself and the results were being analysed by officers.  Councillor Burrows informed petitioners that he had been contacted regarding the phasing of the traffic lights and had instructed officers to investigate as he was also concerned that there was not a phase for pedestrians.


Officers informed petitioners that the data was being pulled together to come up with a solution that was fit for purpose.  The times of the day would also be taken into account.  Officers highlighted that the air quality in the area was below the European threshold.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1)     Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns regarding lorry traffic along Cowley Mill Road, Waterloo Road and Swan Bridge and the surrounding streets and the impact this is having on road safety, residential amenity and public health.


2)     Noted the existing availability of data that could be used to inform a transportation study in the area.


3)     Instructed officers to incorporate evidence from petitioners and to collect, collate, analyse and interpret this data and report back to him with details of traffic speed and volume, and in particular its effect upon road safety, residential amenity and public health together with options for effective interventions to address these matters.




The petitioners’ complaints, coupled with the recent incident of a lorry grounding and becoming stuck on Swan Bridge, indicate that there is a case for an investigation into the movement of lorry traffic and the impact this is having upon road safety.

Supporting documents: