Agenda item

Longmead Road, Hayes


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Urged the Cabinet Member that something needed to be done about the road, as a 71 year old close family relative was recently involved in an accident caused by a speeding van.
  • Expressed concerns about the ‘blind spot’ on the corner of the road, as speeding vehicles approached the road used as a cut-through.
  • Advised that this was a residential area with housing estates as well as schools and the current 30ph speed limit was too fast.
  • Suggested that residents would like measures such as ‘speed humps’ to be installed in order to slow down speeding vehicles. In addition, as many roads lead to Longmead Road, advised that a one-way system would further slow down traffic.
  • Indicated that with the ‘blind spot’ on the corner of the road, it was very difficult to see vehicles coming around the corner and therefore, a one-way system would help.


 Two Ward Councillors spoke and raised the following points:


  • Expressed concerns that cars picked up speed before they turned into the side roads and stated that the situation rendered an “accident waiting to happen”, particularly as residents were able to park their vehicles on the corners.
  • Had requested installation of double yellow lines at Ninth Avenue, Longmead and West Avenue to prevent parking on the corner of the roads.
  • Concerned that cars approaching with speed from Church Road in to West Avenue and Longmead (where cars would be park on the corners of the roads), often led to screeching cars approaching from the opposite direction, as they were forced to stop, and sometimes were forced to back out at Church Road.
  • Urged the Cabinet Member to consider a 20mph speed limit for the entire estate including Longmead Road and in particular, making Longmead Road a priority.
  • Advised that the entrance to Longmead Road, when approaching from Church Road, was quite flat and therefore, if slightly raised, would result in slowing down vehicles by prompting drivers to slow down, making it safer for pedestrians coming out of Longmead Road.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of petitioners and responded to the points raised. Councillor Burrows stated that recommendation 2 would be revised to include a 24-hour, seven day traffic speed and volume survey in Longmead Road; and an additional recommendation (4) would be added, instructing officers to monitor traffic on the corners of each of the junctions.


It was noted that the traffic survey would be undertaken during term-time and officers would discuss the outcome before coming up with suggestions and discussing with petitioners and their Ward Councillors.

It was noted that further evidence would be required before consideration could be given to reducing the speed limit to 20mph and highlighted that no Killed, Seriously Injured (KSI) evidence had been provided to substantiate a 20mph zone across the area.


Resolved – That the Cabinet Member:


1.                  Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns in detail          and explored possible options to address the issues that        would be acceptable to local residents.


2.                  Subject to the outcome of the above, asked officers to      undertake 24-hour seven day a week traffic surveys to establish           the volume and speed of traffic in Longmead Road.


3.                   Instructed officers to liaise with Townfield Safer Neighbourhood Team.


4.                  Instructed officers to visit the areas to look at traffic in the corners of each of the junctions and undertake 24-hour seven day a week traffic speed surveys in these areas.

Reasons for recommendation


Traffic calming measures are largely successful if they are acceptable to local residents and businesses. Possible options can be identified with petitioners for further investigation by officers.

Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed with petitioners.


Supporting documents: