Agenda item

151 Charville Lane, Hayes 1590/APP/2013/2369

Two storey 4-bed detached dwelling involving demolition of existing detached dwelling.


Recommendation : Approval


Two storey 4-bed detached dwelling involving demolition of existing detached dwelling.


Officers introduced the report informing the Committee that the site was in the Metropolitan Green Belt.  The proposed design fits in with the street scene and was not harmful to the character of the area. Officers asked that condition 5 as amended on the addendum sheet be further amended to delete ‘as well as access to the site, including the crossover’.


In answer to a question raised by members, officers advised that the conditions attached to the permission override the plans, but suggested that condition 8 be amended to add ’not withstanding the approved plans’.


Members also asked for the window on the staircase to be obscure glazed as the first floor window was in a different place and position.  The committee agreed to condition 8 being amended as suggested by officers. .


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded with condition 8 being amended and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved – That the application be approved subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting and conditions 5 & 8 amended as follows:-


‘No development shall take place until a landscape scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include: -

1.    Details of Soft Landscaping

1.a  Planting plans (at not less than a scale of 1:100),

1.b  Written specification of planting and cultivation works to be undertaken,

1.c  Schedule of plants giving species, plant sizes, and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate

2. Details of Hard Landscaping

2.a Means of enclosure/boundary treatments

2.b Car Parking Layouts (providing 2 parking spaces)

2.c Hard Surfacing Materials

2.d External Lighting

3. Details of Landscape Maintenance

3.a Landscape Maintenance Schedule for a minimum period of 5 years.

3.b Proposals for the replacement of any tree, shrub, or area of surfing/seeding within the landscaping scheme which dies or in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority becomes seriously damaged or diseased.

4. Schedule for Implementation

5. Other

5.a Existing and proposed functional services above and below ground

5.b Proposed finishing levels or contours

Thereafter the development shall be carried out and maintained in full accordance with the approved details.


To ensure that the proposed development will preserve and enhance the visual amenities of the locality and provide adequate facilities in compliance with policies BE13,  BE38 and AM14 Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and Policies 5.11 (living walls and roofs) and 5.17 (refuse storage) of the London Plan (July 2011).'

Condition 8 -

'Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved, the first floor windows and the landing window facing No.149 Charville Lane shall be glazed with permanently obscured glass and non-opening below a height of 1.8 metres taken from internal finished floor level for so long as the development remains in existence.


To prevent overlooking to adjoining properties in accordance with policy BE24 Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012)'




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