Agenda item

Ladygate Lane, Ruislip - Petition requesting traffic calming measures


Councillor Brian Crowe, John Riley and Philip Corthorne attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


  • Ruislip used to be a rural area with less than 1000 residents which had subsequently increased to 47,000 when the Metroline was introduced.
  • There was an increasing high volume of traffic.
  • Some accidents were not reported.
  • There was no sign to slow down vehicles.
  • Pedestrians found it hard to cross.
  • The Council needed to be proactive rather than reactive.
  • Whiteheath School was in local proximity.
  • Ladygate Lane was used as a rat run.
  • Different traffic users abused Ladygate Lane such as rat runners, boy racers and inconsiderate parents.
  • Ladygate Lane was either congested or clear.


All three Ward Councillors spoke in support of the petitioners’ request and raised the following issues:


  • Traffic issues on Ladygate Lane had been a major concern for a period of time.
  • The majority of parents did not walk their children to or from school.
  • Ladygate Lane was a secondary distribution road in the Borough and it was difficult to see where traffic would be redistributed.
  • The School Travel Plan needed to be factored into any subsequent proposals.
  • Would like 24/7 speed surveys set up at 2 locations of Ladygate Lane.
  • The site lines needed to be investigated as visibility was not clear when entering/exiting junctions.
  • There was no ancient wall as suggested previously.
  • The relevant landowners needed to be contacted as it was their responsibility to cut back foliage.
  • The junction at Bury Street was not appropriate to signalise.
  • Had observed many near misses.
  • Cars often mounted the pavement.
  • There was a need for a combination of traffic calming measures.
  • Could often hear screeching tyres as the road was used as a race track.
  • Issues raised had been discussed at a Local Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting a few years ago.
  • It was only a matter of time before there was a fatality.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.  Cllr Burrows stated that he had recently visited Ladygate Lane and witnessed some of the issues that concerned petitioners.  Cllr Burrows informed petitioners that the Council followed the Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) accident data which was detailed in the officers’ report.  The data would ascertain whether the Council had grounds to investigate a need for suitable traffic calming measures.


Cllr Burrows informed petitioners that Hillingdon Council was the only local authority in London who dedicated funds for road safety.  Cllr Burrows stated that previous rumble strips located on Breakspear Road created noise which received negative feedback from residents and therefore were removed and just repainted red.  Cllr Burrows stated that petitioners concerns would be investigated further and any proposals would be subject to consultation with everyone that lived in local proximity.


Petitioners indicated on a plan where they would like the 24/7 speed surveys to be placed on Ladygate Lane, Ruislip.




That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met with petitioners and considered their request for traffic calming measures in Ladygate Lane, Ruislip.


  1. Asked officers to undertake a 24/7 speed and traffic volume survey at locations on Ladygate Lane which were agreed with the petitioners and to report the results back to the Cabinet Member and Local Ward Councillors.


  1. Subject to the above survey asked officers to add the petitioners’ request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme for further investigation into possible traffic calming measures.


  1. Instructed officers to undertake a review of the sight lines ahead of the results above.




The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.




These were discussed in greater detail with petitioners.

Supporting documents: