Agenda item

Former Yiewsley Swimming Pool Site, Otterfield Road, Yiewsley 18344/APP/2013/3564

Redevelopment of site to provide mixed use development including one three-storey block comprising health centre and gym; one two-storey block comprising 12 supported housing/living flats and associated accommodation; car parking; landscaping; and ancillary development.


Recommendation: Approval subject to a Statement of Intent





Redevelopment of site to provide mixed use development including one three-storey block comprising health centre and gym; one two-storey block comprising 12 supported housing/living flats and associated accommodation; car parking; landscaping; and ancillary development.


In introducing the report, officers directed members to note the changes in the addendum circulated at the meeting. The Committee was informed that the first sentence in Condition 17 should be deleted, as the certificate from the Police would cover all security aspects within Condition 11.


It was reported that an email had been received from a Ward Councillor in support of this application.


In discussing the application, the Committee noted that there were a total of 20 parking spaces which were not specified in the report.


A  Member added that these must be specified, particularly for doctors and patients. Officers advised that 3 disabled parking spaces would be provided for the public but would not be allocated to the health centre. It was explained that the transport assessment had highlighted a maximum of 35 spaces but the number of parking spaces required specifically for staff was not yet known. Members were informed that there was a great deal of spare capacity for parking in the area and as such, would allow for spaces to be allocated to the health centre.


Members were also informed that the Head of Term relating to car parking strategy likewise required securing how the spaces would be allocated between the different uses. This would be less feasible until more detail regarding operator needs were supplied.


A Member stressed that it was essential for spaces to be allocated for patients, as the existing surgery in Yiewsley currently had no spaces allocated for patients. Officers advised that parking accumulations took account of staff and visitor car parking and the legal agreement would ensure that only a proportion of the parking would be allocated to staff.


In answer to a further query about parking for people in supported housing, officers advised that supported housing would be for the type of occupier who would not be driving.


In response to concerns raised about the use of ambulance parking space behind the surgery, officers confirmed that this space would be for the sole use of ambulances and not for any other uses. The space would be used only for ambulance to park in, to ensure people needing medical attention could be picked up.


Concerns were expressed as to how secure the proposal for the provision of the health centre was. Officers advised that there had been substantial liaison between Council officers and the applicant.


The Committee attached additional conditions to ensure the following:


-       No gates were opened on the highways or public foot path

-       Lights were automatically switched off, to safeguard residential occupiers against light disturbance

-        Windows on the eastern elevation were none-opening.


The recommendation contained in the officer’s report and additional conditions was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to grant planning permission, subject to the following:


A. That the applicant being the local authority and being the only legal entity with an interest in the land which is the subject of this application, and hence being unable to enter into a section 106 Agreement with the local planning authority, completes a Statement of Intent (Statement) to make provision for the following matters as would a third party developer under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and/or Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) or other appropriate legislation to secure the following:


1. Car parking strategy: To be undertaken prior to occupation of the development. The strategy shall set out how the proposed car parking provision (20 spaces) shall be provided within the public car park and how those spaces will be allocated to users of the development including visitors to the Health Centre. The strategy shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


2. Travel Plan: Prior to first occupation a full travel plan to be submitted and approved by the council to encourage users, in particular staff, of the development to travel by sustainable modes of transport.


3. Supported Housing: The 12 residential units shall provide supported living to tenants with moderate to high learning disabilities and in need of on-site 24 hour care and support for the lifetime of the development.


4. Construction Training: A sum of £2500 for every £1m build cost plus

Coordinator costs (12/160 x £71,675 = £5375.63) + (1582/7500 x 71,675 = £15118.64) = £20,494.28.


5. Employment Strategy.


6. Air Quality: A sum of £12,500 towards air quality monitoring.


7. Libraries: A sum of £276 towards library improvements.


8. Energy: A sum of £23,400 to be paid to the Local Planning Authority to make up for the shortfall in CO2 reductions for the development.


9. Project management & Monitoring fee: A contribution equal to 5% of the total cash contributions or a sum of £1,000 (which ever is the greater) secured to enable the management and monitoring of the resulting agreement.


B. That the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs in the preparation of the Section 106 agreement and any abortive work as a result of the agreement not being completed.


C. That the officers be authorised to negotiate the terms of the proposed agreement.


D. That, if the S106 agreement has not been finalised within 6 months, under the discretion of the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture, the application is refused under delegated powers on the basis that the applicant has refused to address planning obligation requirements.


E. That if the application is approved, the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report be attached and subject to the addendum, amended Condition 17( to delete 'without the prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority other than for routine maintenance which does not change its details') and the following additional conditions:


Additional conditions


- Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved, no gates shall be installed which open over public highways or footways.

To ensure that the proposed development does not introduce gates which would be prejudicial to the use of the highway/footway or prejudicial to highway and pedestrian safety in accordance with Policies AM7, AM8, AM9 and AM10 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).

- The health centre and gym hereby approved shall be fitted with technology to ensure that the lights are automatically switched off when the premises are not in use.

To ensure the lights do not disturb the amenity of the nearby residential occupiers and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions arising from the development in accordance with Policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and Policies 5.2 and 5.3 of the London Plan.

- Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved, the second floor windows (serving the health centre/gym) facing north and east shall be fixed shut and non-opening for the life of the development.

To ensure that noise arising from the internal uses on the second floor is contained/mitigated and does not have a detrimental impacts on the amenity of existing and future nearby sensitive occupants in accordance with Policies OE1 and OE3 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).




Supporting documents: