Agenda item

Garage Block Site, Culvert Lane, Uxbridge - 69659/APP/2013/3796

Demolition of existing garage block and construction of bungalow with associated parking and external works.


Recommendation: Approval





Demolition of existing garage block and construction of bungalow with associated parking and external works


Officers introduced the report and referred to the changes set out in the Addendum sheet.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in objection to the proposal was invited to address the meeting. The lead petitioner raised the following points:


  • The proposal would adversely affect the character of the local area as Culvert Lane did not contain any bungalows.
  • The proposal would not be keeping with the local area.
  • The proposal would adversely affect vehicular movements within Culvert Lane, and specifically, problems would arise from the removal of a convenient turning point for residents living within the Lane.
  • The removal of the turning point would also affect the access and egress of emergency, service and delivery vehicles.
  • In relation to refuse collection,  the proposal would result in residents  being forced to move their rubbish half way down the Lane to enable it be collected as the proposal would result in refuse engineers having to carry waste in excess of their contractual conditions.
  • Changes to the highway would result in greater risk to residents as there was no footpath. Residents would be forced to walk greater distances than was currently the case to and from their homes.
  • The proposal would adversely affect the local environment
  • The proposal would create displaced parking
  • Alternatives to the proposal had not been considered


A representative of the applicant did not address the meeting.


The Committee raised a number of concerns which included clarification of the current refuse arrangements (including the carriage distances), the Highways implications of the proposal and the ownership of the trees within the red line of the site.


In relation to refuse, Officers confirmed that they needed to check what the exact arrangements were and what the implications might be regarding carriage distances.


With regards to the points raised by the petitioner about turning circles, Officers confirmed that Highways had assessed the proposal and raised no objections on the basis that the applicant provided scaled drawings of the access and parking layout  in compliance with the Authorities highway design standards for approval prior to the commencement of works. Officers suggested that Members might consider a site visit as a way of investigation the turning circle concerns further.

Addressing the points raised by the Committee about the trees within the red line of the site, Officers explained that further investigations were necessary before they could comment on whether or not the requisite tree certificates had been correctly served.


On being put to the vote, it was moved, seconded and agreed that the application be deferred for a site visit and for further information to be provided on how waste collection worked, the ownership of the trees within the site and clarification about tree certificates.


Resolved – That the application be deferred for a site visit and that Officers be requested to provide further information on:

·         Information on how waste collection works in the area/waste comments

·         Information on ownership of trees/have certificates been correctly served


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