Agenda item

Land Adjacent 18 Colnedale Road, Uxbridge 69634/APP/2013/3671

3-bed detached dwelling (Outline application for access and scale).


Recommendation : Refusal


3-bed detached dwelling (Outline application for access and scale).


Officers introduced the report setting out the main issues.


In accordance with the Council's constitution a representative of the petitioners objecting and the agent/applicant addressed the meeting.


The petitioner made the following points:-


·         Object to house being built behind rear gardens of 5 neighbouring properties.

·         The proposed house was in front of the existing building line.

·         The proposed dwelling would be out of character with the surrounding properties.

·         The proposal would affect the privacy of surrounding gardens.

·         There were concerns that an additional dwelling would cause problems in relation to drainage.

·         The site is located on the edge of a Conservation Area and close to a Listed Building.

·         The site was located in an Area of Special Character, there are policies and guidelines as to what can be built in these areas and the proposal conflicts with most of those policies.

·         In conclusion the proposed dwelling would be an inappropriate development that was out of character with the area.


The applicant made the following points:-


·         Had owned the plot of land and 5 West Common Road had been the family home for 21 years.

·         The applicant wanted to downsize and wanted to secure permission for a dwelling for their retirement on land that they owned.

·         If it had been known that arboricultural and ecological reports were required they would have been provided.

·         The proposed site was not a cultivated garden but used for access and storage.

·         Adjacent buildings had been built forward of the building line so the proposed dwelling would reflect this.

·         The proposed dwelling harmonised with existing properties as there were detached, semi-detached and bungalows in the vicinity.

·         All three windows in the eastern elevation of 18 Colnedale Road were all to non-habitable rooms and were already obscure glazed, which inhibited the view both in and out of these windows.

·         The proposal lies to the north and east of 18 Colnedale Road, and therefore could not possibly cast afternoon shadows to this property as stated in the report. The afternoon sun shines from the opposite direction from the south and west.

·         It was not felt that the affect on the local area would be as significant as suggested and requested that the application be deferred for a site visit.


In answer to comments made in relation to report being incorrect the Committee was informed that in relation to refusal reasons 4 & 5 the reports had not been received.  In regards to the impact on 18 Colnedale Road the dwelling projects in front of the building line and the separation was not sufficient to mitigate the impact. The plot widths in this area were considerable and the proposed dwelling significantly less.


A Member stated that as the visual amenity was difficult to judge from the photographs it was suggested that the application be deferred to enable a site visit to take place.  Deferment for site visit was move, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved - That the application be Deferred to enable Members to make a site visit.

Supporting documents: