Agenda item

524-526 Victoria Road, Ruislip 36666/APP/2013/3149

Change of use from retail (Use Class A1) to childcare provision (Use Class D1) involving alterations to rear elevation.


Recommendation: Approval


Change of use from retail (Use Class A1) to childcare provision (Use Class D1) involving alterations to rear elevation.


Officers introduced the report and directed Members to note the changes in the addendum circulated at the meeting. 


Members were informed that the application had been previously submitted and refused on the grounds of loss of an A1 unit in a designated retail area. However, due to the decline of the shopping centre with considerable competition within the local vicinity, officers considered that the Care Area Policy was too restrictive and that in this case, this type of development would be useful. Furthermore, officers considered that the application had overcome previous reasons for refusal and therefore recommended approval. 


Officers also sought the Committee's steering on the premises hours, particularly on revising the starting time to 7am instead of 7.30am (as stipulated by guidance). It was explained that the reason regarding consideration of an earlier starting time was to take account of the need to also provide a service for commuting parents/carers.


The Chairman read a letter from a Ward Councillor who was unable to attend the meeting due to other engagement and the following points were raised:


·         Evidence showed that a nursery would be of great service to the community

·         The application would not only offer diversity to the local shopping parade, it would revive a double fronted shop which had been vacant for over 6 months

·         It would provide a sustainable service to the shopping parade without affecting the large local retail store in Victoria Road and offer local employment

·         The proposed scheme includes dedicated drop-off and pick-up points, a play space for 'Free Flow' play and 4 parking spaces

·         Urged the Committee to approve the application.


The Chairman advised that the Committee should consider the hours given that the scheme was in an area with residential flats above shops.


A Member commented that with the close proximity of South Ruislip Station, they were well aware that some users may need to be at work early and would have no objection to a 7am start. Condition 9 was amended to allow 7am start.


In response to a query raised regarding air quality, officers advised that the proposed scheme was in an area which suffered from poor air quality on occasion. With regard to the protection from air pollution, whilst it was accepted that the outdoor play area would not be protected, officers explained that children would spend very little time outdoor.  Members were informed that air pollution was currently being monitored across the Borough and South Ruislip had been identified and included in this process. It was noted that larger schemes were required to make financial contribution for monitoring but as this was a small scheme, funding contribution would not be required.


In response to concerns raised as to whether there was sufficient play area, officers advised that there was no available official standard. It was noted however, that the applicant had indicated that not all the children would go outside to play at the same time, as some of the children would be involved in other activities that would be taking place in side. 


A Member added that it should be conditioned to ensure that children were not allowed to play outside before 8.30am. Officers advised that Condition 9 could be extended to take this into account.


The recommendation for approval and amendments to Condition 9 was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved – That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report, amendment to Condition 9 and changes outlined in the addendum.


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