Agenda item

Former Master Brewer Site, Freezeland Way, Hillingdon 4266/APP/2014/519

Erection of 125 residential units (Use Class C3) with 100 car parking spaces and 138 cycle parking spaces and associated highways alterations together with landscape improvements (Outline Application with details of appearance reserved).(Additional information relating to Transportation, Ecology, Energy and Landscaping).


Recommendation :


Erection of 125 residential units (Use Class C3) with 100 car parking spaces and 138 cycle parking spaces and associated highways alterations together with landscape improvements (Outline Application with details of appearance reserved).(Additional information relating to Transportation, Ecology, Energy and Landscaping).


Note – Concerns raised by petitioners relate to both items 5 and 6.


Members had concerns regarding health and education provision as there was going to be another 125 residential units in the local area.  Officers informed the Committee that education and healthcare provision had been incorporated into the Community Infrastructure Levy.  Concerns relating to air quality were addressed and the air quality in the proposed residential buildings would be as good as it could be.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed with 6 votes for and 2 against.


Resolved - That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning Green Spaces and Culture to grant planning permission, subject to the following:


1. That the application be referred back to the Greater London Authority.

2. That the Council enter into a legal agreement with the applicants under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and/or Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) or other appropriate legislation to secure:

(i). Transport: A s278 and/or s38 agreement will be entered into to address any and all on site and off site highways works as a result of this proposal. These include the following:

·         Measures to stop the non-residential vehicles exiting from the proposed through vehicle route for Blocks C to E;

·         Highway Improvements listed below to be agreed in detail before commencement and works to be completed before occupation of the development:

·         Improvements at/in vicinity of the service road approach to Freezeland Way subject to road safety audit;

·          Re-introduction of the right turn for traffic at the Hillingdon Circus junction from the Long Lane northbound approach;

·         Modifying the existing right turn into the western site access for traffic coming from the A40 westbound;

·         Introduction of a southbound left turn flare at the Hillingdon Circus junction from the Long Lane southbound approach. The left turn lane requires a widening of the Long Lane carriageway and footway, taking land from part of the south west corner of the development site;

·         Narrowing of the island to the west of the Hillingdon Circus junction, to allow provision of two westbound traffic lanes on Freezeland Way to the west of the Hillingdon Circus junction;

·         Provision of an informal pedestrian refuge crossing at the western site access;

·         Provision of a shared cycle/footway into the site from the western site access towards the proposed food retail store and three non-food retail units;

·         Traffic signal timings and operations;

·         Review lighting and the visibility of signs and road markings at and in the surrounding of Hillingdon Circus junction (extent of review to be agreed with the Council's Highways Engineer) and implement works required by the Council;

·         Provide carriageway and footway resurfacing, anti-skid surfacing, and upgrade pedestrian islands and road markings (extent of works to be agreed with the Council's Highways Engineer);

·         Vehicle actuated signs and road markings to enforce the 30mph speed limit on Freezeland Way (westbound).

·         Revised traffic modelling of the highway network (extent to be approved by the Council's Highways Engineer to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council before commencement of the development and any works reasonably required by the Council to be completed before occupation of the development;

·         Contribution to real time information system at bus stops prior to commencement;

·         Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) to include (but not limited to):

* Construction traffic generation by development phase;

* Access routes;

* Contractor parking;

* Deliveries to avoid highway network peak hours and traffic sensitive hours;

* Construction staff travel plan;

* Measures to manage localised priorities.

* Coach stop enhancements on Freezeland Way

(ii). Public Transport Infrastructure: A financial contribution in the sum of £220,000, being an annual contribution of £40,000 towards improvements to bus services for a period of 5 years and 2 bus stop upgrades at £10,000 each.

(iii). Travel Plan.

(iv). Affordable Housing: 15% of the scheme, by habitable room, to be delivered as Affordable Housing including review mechanism.

(v). None of the market housing will be occupied until 100% of the affordable housing is delivered.

(vi). Construction Training: either a construction training scheme delivered during the construction phase of the development or a financial contribution secured equal to the formula as contained in the SPD (£2,500 for every £1m build cost + (total gross floor area/7,200m2 x £71,675) = total contribution).

(vii). Landscape Screening and Ecological Mitigation: a financial contribution in the sum of £252,308.88.

(viii). Air Quality: a financial contribution in the sum of £25,000.

(ix). Carbon Fund: a contribution of £100,800 for a carbon fund to make up for the shortfall for this development and to make it policy compliant.

(x). Project Management and Monitoring Fee: a contribution equal to 5% of the total cash contribution to enable the management and monitoring of the resulting agreement.

3. That officers be authorised to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the proposed agreement.

4. If the above Section 106 agreement has not been finalised within 6 months, then the application is to be referred back to the Planning Committee for determination.

5. That subject to the above, the application be deferred for the determination by Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture under delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the completion of legal agreement(s) under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other appropriate powers with the applicant.

6. That the conditions outlined in the officers' report and addendum be imposed.

Supporting documents: