Agenda item

Hayes Swimming Pool Site, Botwell Lane, Hayes 1942/APP/2013/3565

Construction of an A1 discount food store with associated car parking and landscaping.


Recommendation :


Construction of an A1 discount food store with associated car parking and landscaping.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.  The application related to part of the former Hayes swimming pool, site which was located within Hayes Town Centre adjacent to Botwell Leisure Centre.


Members were made aware that there had been no objection to the principle of redeveloping the site for a retail store, as this was an appropriate us for the site which was located within the Town Centre Boundary.


Member noted that the proposal would provide a generous amount of low level planting along Botwell Lane and would make provision of the retention of existing street trees along both Botwell Lane and Central Avenue. The planting of additional landscaping on the highway verge was also secured by the legal agreement.  Overall, the proposal would provide for a well proportion retail building with a generous and well landscaped set back from the street.


Members noted that some individual consultees had raised concerns with regard to the specific design of the building. However, planning policy set out within the National Planning Policy Framework was quite clear that planning decisions should not attempt to impose architectural styles or tastes through unsubstantiated requirements to conform to certain development forms and styles.  While, the proposed retail unit may not be to everyone's personal design tastes it was of a fairly standard design which one would expect to see within most town centre and urban locations.  Having regard to the set back and landscaping it would certainly not appear out of character with the built form in the surrounding area and is therefore considered to be compliant with adopted policy.


Members were informed that the proposal had secured adequate levels of car parking and full provision for appropriate disabled, brown badge and mother/child spaces by way of planning conditions.  The proposals with regard to the location and layout of the site access and the delivery and serving arrangement had been considered both by the Planning Departments Highways Engineer and the Highways Department and were considered acceptable in terms of highways impacts, pedestrian and vehicular safety.


Members were pleased that the proposal would also bring a vacant site, which has been boarded up for a number of years and detracts from the area, back into an acceptable use which would provide jobs, be beneficial to the economy and benefit the area overall.


Members were concerned about the days and times the sale of goods would be allowed.  The Committee agreed that the final wording of condition 12 be agreed by the Chairman and Labour Lead.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to grant planning permission, subject to the following:


1. The Council enter into an agreement with the applicant under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) or Section 278 Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and all appropriate legislation to secure:

(i). Transport: All on site and off site highways works as a result of this proposal including the use of the highway verge for landscaping (and its future management and maintenance of landscaping) subject to a licence pursuant to S142 of the Highways Act 1980.

(ii). Travel Plan and a Delivery and Servicing plan.

(iii). Air Quality: a financial contribution in the sum of £12,500.

(iv) Town Centre Improvements: £25,000

(v) The applicants pay a sum to the Council equivalent to 5% of the value of contributions for compliance, administration and monitoring, project management and overseeing implementation of elements of the completed planning (and/or highways) agreement(s).

2. That officers be authorised to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the proposed agreements.

3. If the above Section 106 agreement has not been finalised by 10th September 2014, then delegated authority to the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to refuse the application for the following reason:

The applicant has failed to provide contributions towards the improvement of services and facilities as a consequence of demands created by the proposed development (in respect of onsite and off site highways works, air quality monitoring, town centre improvements and construction training facilities). The proposal therefore conflicts with Policy R17 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part 2 - Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).

4. That subject to the above, the application be deferred for the determination by Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture under delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the completion of legal agreement(s) under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other appropriate powers with the applicant.

5. That the conditions outlined in the officers' report and addendum be imposed.


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