Agenda item

Petition requesting residents' only parking in Worcester Road, Cowley, near Orchard Place


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by the petition organiser at the meeting included the following:


·         Concerned about huge parking problems being experienced by residents living in the bungalows in Worcester Road

·         The only parking available to residents living in these bungalows were kerb side parking, which were mostly used  by shoppers and commuters to park 

·          Residents were hardly ever able to use the kerbside parking near their homes and when they did approach non-residents to make them aware,  drivers tended to be offensive

·         Students from Brunel University often parked their cars for three to four weeks at a time, as did holiday makers and commuters who regularly parked and boarded buses

·         Lorries also parked in the limited available kerbside spaces and likewise, vehicles generally parked in disabled parking bays

·         Residents had been forced to pay for parking elsewhere and it was impossible for visitors to get any parking space at all when they visited

·         The issue of visitor parking was particularly compounded for those with young children, people with a disability, as well as people helping residents with their shopping

·         The problem with parking was further exacerbated by vehicles being parked inconsiderately

·         Concerned about emergency vehicles being prevented from reaching residents; this was recently realised when an ambulance calling for a resident living in one of the bungalows had to board the ambulance, which was forced to park at the top of Cowley Road

·         Visitors to the chemist also parked outside the bungalows even though free parking was available with plenty of spaces in the area.


Councillor Judith Cooper attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners.


Cllr Cooper stated that there were two issues of concern with regard to the kerb side parking near the bungalows; firstly, the reluctance of drivers to come out of their cars and get a ticket.  Secondly, there was the issue of commuter parking, students and holiday makers parking long term. 


Cllr Cooper urged the Cabinet Member to consider both issues when making a decision.


Councillor Roy Chamdal, Ward Cllr of a neighbouring ward also attended the meeting, as any decision relating to this petition would potentially affect residents in his ward.


The Cabinet Member, Cllr Keith Burrows listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised. Councillor Burrows explained that residents of Worcester Road had been consulted last year about being included in a possible extension to the Cowley Parking Management Scheme but the majority of residents who had responded however, had preferred not to be included. It was highlighted to the petitioners that because other roads had now been included in the scheme, the problem of parking had been pushed on to roads outside of the scheme, including Worcester Road.


Cllr Burrow acknowledged that the parking problems may also have been compounded at times by parents searching for space to park during the school run. To this end therefore, the Cabinet Member requested that parking services should conduct checks in the area more frequently during school times.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.     Discussed with petitioners and listened to their request for residents' only parking controls in Worcester Road, Cowley.


2.     Decided that the request for parking restrictions in Worcester Road, Cowley should be added to the Council’s future parking scheme programme for further investigation and more detailed consultation with residents, as quickly as possible.


3.     Subject to 2 above, to seek the advice of the Ward Councillors on the most appropriate extent (regarding the areas to be consulted) for any such consultation.


Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners, their concerns and if appropriate, add their request to the parking schemes programme.


Alternative options considered/risk management


These were discussed with petitioners.


Supporting documents: