Agenda item

Haydon School, Wiltshire Share, Eastcote, Pinner - 9556/APP/2014/3306

Construction of an external 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) with fencing, floodlighting and a storage container.


Recommendation - Refusal


Construction of an external 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) with fencing, floodlighting and a storage container.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application related to Haydon School on Wiltshire Lane which sought permission for the construction of an external 3G artificial turf pitch with fencing, floodlighting and a storage container.  The proposal would also involve landscape remodelling and the creation of a bund between the pitch and nearby residential properties.


Members noted that there was no objection in principle to the provision of an artificial pitch on a sports field, which would facilitate increased sports use, however, there were significant concerns in relation to the visual impact of the proposed development, which included a grass bund, fencing and floodlighting.


There was insufficient information provided by the applicant to demonstrate that the proposals would not have an adverse impact on the highway network.


In accordance with the Council's constitution a representative of the petitioners objecting the proposals addressed the meeting.


The petitioner objecting to the proposals made the following points:

·         Had lived opposite school for over 25 years.

·         Her children had attended the school.

·         Wanted to represent local residents/

·         There was a significant risk of flooding in the area.

·         Houses at the bottom of the Hill had sandbags.

·         Surface run-off water should be controlled.

·         The River Pinn was in a high flood risk area.

·         There would be noise and light pollution.

·         There was not enough parking for residents.

·         There was traffic congestion.

·         There had been problems with Anti-Social Behaviour.

·         The report was relevant and the Council should prioritise its residents.


A representative of the applicant raised the following points:

·         More parking would be available on the site where the current tennis courts were located.

·         Traffic issues needed to be investigated.

·         Would like to know the appeal process as the application had been recommended for refusal.


Local Ward Councillors also spoke in objection to the proposals and made the following comments:

·         Residents had raised some concerns.

·         The proposal was for semi commercial gain.

·         Believed that Ealing Rugby Club wanted to utilise the site.

·         There would be a considerable loss of Green Space.

·         The application was a large proposal and would take away the majority of the schools playing field.

·         There had been other applications in the Borough that had created the same feeling with local residents.

·         There was no adequate parking in the local area.

·         Confused as to why the school would demolish their tennis courts to accommodate more parking on site.

·         There were several other Rugby Clubs within the local area, why was another facility needed.

·         There would be an increase in pollution.

·         Haydon School was close to Joel Street.

·         Haydon School was one of the largest in the Borough.

·         The visual aspect of the scheme would be detrimental to the local area.

·         The representative did not have the right information.


Members discussed the application and agreed with the officer's recommendation for refusal.  Members agreed that no thought had been put into the application and that more work needed to be done before it was brought back before Committee.  Members considered that the proposals would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area.


The recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be refused as per the officers' report.





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