Agenda item

Gaelic Athletic Association, West End Road, Ruislip 24373/APP/2014/1946

Extension of car park from 92 to 136 spaces, including 8 disability and 7 electric bays; additional vehicular exit and new pedestrian gate to West End Road; 30 cycle parking stands; taxi point; pedestrian circulation routes; realignment and reconstruction of grass playing pitch; new irrigation (groundwater abstraction borehole), drainage and storm water attenuation works; erection of partially roofed (three bays) single tier stand for spectator seating with ancillary accommodation below including changing rooms for players and officials, gym, medical facilities and toilets; pedestrian only access path along northern boundary; a low level standing terrace, with covered area for disabled spectators and a camera stand; new southern perimeter access track; floodlit artificial-surfaced training/warm-up area with demountable enclosure to enable use as part of overflow car parking area (186 spaces); 15 metres high ball catch netting at each end of the pitch and retractable netting 7 metres high to the northern boundary; enclosures within the site comprising fencing, turnstiles and gates; replacement scoreboard; and, associated works including landscaping.


Recommendation :If no direction received from the GLA the application be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement.


Extension of car park from 92 to 136 spaces, including 8 disability and 7 electric bays; additional vehicular exit and new pedestrian gate to West End Road; 30 cycle parking stands; taxi point; pedestrian circulation routes; realignment and reconstruction of grass playing pitch; new irrigation (groundwater abstraction borehole), drainage and storm water attenuation works; erection of partially roofed (three bays) single tier stand for spectator seating with ancillary accommodation below including changing rooms for players and officials, gym, medical facilities and toilets; pedestrian only access path along northern boundary; a low level standing terrace, with covered area for disabled spectators and a camera stand; new southern perimeter access track; floodlit artificial-surfaced training/warm-up area with demountable enclosure to enable use as part of overflow car parking area (186 spaces); 15 metres high ball catch netting at each end of the pitch and retractable netting 7 metres high to the northern boundary; enclosures within the site comprising fencing, turnstiles and gates; replacement scoreboard; and, associated works including landscaping.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application related to the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) Grounds on West End Road in Ruislip.  Members noted that the ground had a longstanding use as a sports and recreation ground and had been used as a training ground by Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club until the mid 1970’s.  Since this time the grounds had been used by the GAA and was the home of Gaelic sports (Gaelic football and hurling) in London.


The current application sought the redevelopment of the sports ground in order to substantially improve the existing facilities, which were considerably outdated and did not meet modern expectations or requirements in terms of player or spectator comfort or safety.


Members noted that the main issues in this case were considered to be the principle of the development within the Green Belt, impacts on neighbour amenity and traffic impacts.  In principle there was support for the enhancement of facilities at the site which would support sport, culture, wellbeing and health objectives.  Overall, officers considered that the proposal fully complied with Green Belt policies and was acceptable in principle. This was a view shared by the Greater London Authority.


In relation to the impact of the proposals on neighbouring amenity, neighbours had expressed concerns about loss of light, increased noise, loss of privacy and the impact of floodlighting.


In relation to loss of light the main structures were proposed to be separated from the residential properties by a sufficient distance to avoid loss of light or dominance.  With respect to noise this had been considered in the context that the site was currently a sports ground utilised for competitive sporting events, and that the proposals were intended to enhance the facilities.  Members noted that the ground capacity and number of matches would not be increased. It was acknowledged that the enhanced facilities may result in some increase in attendance at smaller games. 


Members were informed that whilst the existing and proposed use of the ground would inevitably cause a degree of noise on match days, the Council’s Environmental Protection Unit considered the proposals acceptable and it was not considered a refusal on noise grounds could be substantiated.


The floodlights have been carefully designed to avoid light spill and would be subject to conditions controlling their use, in these circumstances it was not considered that the floodlights would cause unacceptable impacts on neighbour amenity.


In relation to privacy, Members noted that the main stand was over 100m from the residential properties meaning there would be no unacceptable impacts when considered against Policy.  Members questioned the boundary treatment condition as it read as if the responsibility lay with the householder rather than the developer.  Officers suggested that the condition could be amended and updated to address Members concerns.  Members also questioned the height of the fences as there was concern that spectators would be able to see over residents' fences if they were on the stand, additional concerns regarding litter were also raised.  Officers informed Members that the stands would be used only during larger games and that the final details of the fences could be secured by condition.


Impacts on residential amenity and the operation of the public highway were considered to be appropriately addressed within the application such that they would not have unacceptable impacts.  Members asked for clarity about the positioning of the pedestrian access and asked whether residents objecting to the scheme were mistaken. Officers informed Members that there was no pedestrian access against the rear of the resident's properties.


A verbal change to the addendum was made and corrected, which should read 282 car parking spaces not 382.  In relation to parking, Members were aware that the facility had existing parking arrangements, however, the training ground could be used as an overflow car park.


Members questioned condition 20 regarding the PA system, which did not give details of when the system would be in use.  Officer informed Members that hours of use would be included to address Members concerns.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.






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