Agenda item

Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Hillingdon - 532/APP/2014/4036

Variation of condition 7 (to extend opening hours until 22:00 Monday to Saturday) of planning permission ref: 532/APP/2001/1858 dated 15/10/2002: Provision of replacement sports pitches (including new synthetic playing surfaces), erection of floodlighting, boundary fences and storage building, together with associated parking and access improvements (Site 3). (S73 application).


Recommendation : Approval.


Variation of condition 7 (to extend opening hours until 22:00 Monday to Saturday) of planning permission ref: 532/APP/2001/1858 dated 15/10/2002: Provision of replacement sports pitches (including new synthetic playing surfaces), erection of floodlighting, boundary fences and storage building, together with associated parking and access improvements (Site 3). (S73 application).


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application related to Site 3 at Brunel University, the site of the sports pitches and sought the variation of a condition relating to the hours of use of floodlighting.  Members noted that the floodlighting was originally given consent in 2002 and this application permitted the existing floodlights on site and floodlights on the cemetery pitch.  The floodlights on the cemetery pitch had to date not been installed, but the permission was valid and the applicant was now intending to complete this aspect of the works.


The application also sought the extended hours of operation for the floodlighting.  Members noted that it was also extremely relevant that the Council previously granted a temporary variation of the condition to enable the use of the flooding on the site until 22:00 Monday to Saturday for a temporary period of 18 months.  The purpose of this temporary consent was to ascertain whether the extended hours of operation would have adverse impacts on the amenity of nearby residents.


Members noted that there were no complaints received in respect of the floodlighting during this temporary period which was extremely relevant when considering this matter; however, it was relevant that only the floodlights currently on the site had been subject to a trial period and that the floodlights on the cemetery pitch had no such trial.


Officers explained that in this case the main reasons for the conditions existence related to the protection of residential amenity and therefore this was the sole consideration.  Members noted that 6 letters of objection had been received raising concerns relating to light and noise nuisance, however, in respect of the existing floodlights they had been operated at the requested hours for an 18 month trial period, during which no complaints regarding either light or noise nuisance have been received by the Council.


The lack of complaints during the trial period did provide strong evidence that the use of the existing floodlights for the extended hours did not result in unacceptable impacts on the amenity of nearby residents and weighed strongly in favour of the grant of permanent permission in relation to these floodlights.


Members noted that in respect of the lighting for the cemetery pitches this had not been the subject of any such trial period. As such, there was less evidence to demonstrate that extended operation of lights in this location would not cause adverse impacts. It was therefore considered that only a temporary period, to allow for a trial, should be granted in respect of these particular floodlights.


Officers informed Members that no alterations would be made to the parking arrangements and clarified that the application referenced variations of the original application, simply restating what permission was originally granted for.


Members questioned whether residents of Robinwood Grove were happy with the proposals as they had previously raised concerns which were the reason for the floodlights to be restricted for use past 9pm.  Officers informed Members that no complaints had been received from residents of Robinwood Grove. 


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.





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