Agenda item

Petition requesting Road Safety Measures in Orwell Close and Botwell Common Road, Hayes


No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


A nominated representative spoke on behalf of the lead petitioner. Concerns and suggestions from petitioner included the following:


·         Inconsiderate parking meant that sight lines were often obscured and driving along the road was dangerous.

·         Sight lines for pedestrians on Orwell Close were affected and meant that it was dangerous crossing the road. Especially for those residents living in the local sheltered housing scheme.

·         Motorists often parked locally on the grass verges

·         Motorists often drove at high speed along Botwell Common Road.

·         The petition sought the introduction of double yellow lines on Orwell Close to prohibit parking and improve road safety.

·         The petition also requested the introduction of road bumps along Botwell Common Road to stop drivers from speeding.

·         In addition, the petition sought the introduction of a zebra crossing by the bus stop adjacent to the scheme so that road safety was further enhanced.

·         It was noted there had been a vehicle activated sign (VAS) in operation, situated by the bus stop but this had disappeared or been withdrawn and residents were unsure why this had been removed.


An email submitted by Cllr Gardner on behalf of all three ward councillors was read out at the meeting. This made the following points:


·         Ward Councillors supported the petitioners' requests.

·         Botwell Common Road was a dangerous road and also a bus route.

·         These roads were used as rat runs in the evening/night by inconsiderate motorists.

·         Ward Councillors supported the idea of a formal crossing which was imperative to ensure that pedestrians could cross the road in safety.

·         Ward Councillors supported the inclusion of Botwell Common Road and Orwell Close in the next phase of the Council's Road Safety Programme.

The Cabinet Member, Cllr Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.


Councillor Burrows explained that traffic volume and speed surveys were particularly sophisticated and could record a number of data sets including speed, average speed and vehicle type. Petitioners were shown a large scale area map and were asked to indicate several points on the road where they thought the rubber strips recording the data should be located. Councillor Burrows explained this data would be used to provide an accurate picture of the issues encountered on the stretch of road and inform future actions. Furthermore, it was noted that if high vehicle speeds were recorded, this information would be shared with the Police.


In relation to the petitioners' observations that the VAS had been removed from the road side, officers explained these were often used on a rotation basis. However, in this case, officers were unsure why the sign had been moved. Councillor Burrows requested officers to investigate what had happened and to report back to him.


Councillor Burrows noted that as well as the request for yellow lines, the petition had requested the installation of speed bumps and a zebra crossing. He confirmed the road safety investigation would explore all the options the petition had outlined and Ward Councillors would be kept informed of the progress of the traffic volume and speed survey. The petitioners were advised that if they had not heard back from the Council within several weeks about a likely timescale for the work, they should contact the Council's Road Safety Team for an update.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Asks officers to undertake classified traffic volume and speed survey(s) at location(s) to be agreed with the petitioners and the relevant Ward Members .


  1. Subject to the above, considers adding Botwell Common Road to future phases of the Council's Vehicle Activated Signs programme.


  1. Subject to the above asks officers to add the petitioners’ request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme for further investigation.





The petition hearing will provide a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.




None at this stage.


Supporting documents: