Agenda item

Request for a Residents Parking Scheme in Spout Lane North and Bedfont Court, Staines and other issues in relation to vegetation, pavements, ditches and enforcement


Councillors Manjit Khatra, June Nelson and Peter Money attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


·         One petitioner had a business in the area so had a feel for the issues that residents were suffering and it was felt that the situation in the area had spiralled out of control over the last year.

·         There been an increased intensity and annoyance being suffered on a daily basis by residents and business in Spout Lane North and Bedfont Court.

·         The road was often blocked, which made it difficult for residents and businesses to gain access and exit the area.

·         The mini cab drivers parking in Spout Lane North and Bedfont Court had become verbally abusive.

·         Double yellow lines already installed had not bought much improvement, as the mini cab drivers did not respect them.

·         The mini cabs were often parked up for hours and were reluctant to move to enable access.

·         The problems being experienced often lasted late into the evening.

·         The underpass was a health hazard as it was used by the cab drivers as a public toilet, which remained un-cleaned for up to 4 days.

·         When the mini cab drivers were challenged they took no notice and laughed.

·         It was believed that the local authority needed to change its approach and put restrictive measures in place.  The implementation of restrictions would be an end to the abuse and anti social behaviour currently being endured by residents and businesses alike.

·         There needed to be more frequent visits made to the area to send a strong message to the mini cab drivers that their behaviour was not acceptable.

·         It was suggested that consideration be given to the installation of CCTV in the underpass.

·         Petitioners believed that, if the issue of parking was tackled, the other problems would be resolved.

·         The residents and business in Spout Lane and Bedfont Court were desperate for a resolution to the problems they suffered on a regular basis.

·         Petitioners expected Council / Police involvement as the problems were affecting the health and businesses of all who lived and worked in the area.

·         Residents and businesses need to feel protected and safe in going about their daily business.


Ward Councillors spoke in support of the petitioners’ request and raised the following issues:


  • This was a desperate plea from residents and businesses as it was a very poor situation that they were currently suffering.
  • There was a lot more going on in the area than the photographs highlighted.
  • The introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order and the installation of double yellow lines would provide some reassurance to residents.
  • The maintenance plan was underway but more needed to be done, especially with the clearing of the ditch.  There had not been much improvement carried out on the clearing of the ditch, which needed to be managed better to help to tackle the anti social behaviour.
  • Emergency vehicles had not been able to gain access to Spout Lane North recently.
  • Residents and workers in the area had been verbally abused on a regular basis.
  • The Cabinet Member was shown a short video of the activities that had taken place the previous evening.


The Cabinet Member, Councillor Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns and advised that the reports had been received back from enforcement officers that they had been abused and been close to using the emergency button on their radios.  He acknowledged and made reference to the letters and photos that he had received from the lead petitioner.


The Cabinet Member advised that an update had been provided by the Anti Social Behaviour Team, on the following:


·           Under the Public Spaces Protection Order, a significant number of fixed penalty notices for littering, spitting and urinating had been issued. 

·           The installation of CCTV to cover the subway was currently being investigated.

·           Two trees were to be felled in October near the subway entrance to improve visibility.

·           The grass verge had been cut and the two accesses to 'Riverbank' had been rebuilt and the ditch cleared.

·           Street lighting would be straightened and re-painted and yellow lamps would be replaced with new white ones. 

·           Parking enforcement had been visiting the area regularly and drivers parked on yellow lines moved on.


The Cabinet Member explained that a consultation would be undertaken setting out the three options that had been developed, which were set out in the report.  The Cabinet Member advised that, if a clear mandate was not forthcoming from the consultation, he would make a decision on what would be implemented, as the situation currently being experienced could not continue. 


The Cabinet Member asked officers to inform Ward Councillors of the progress of the ditch clearance.


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


1.    listened to the petitioners concerns about the current parking arrangements in Spout Lane North;


2.    noted the various on-site meetings that officers have had with the lead petitioner, other residents and business occupiers;


3.    noted the recent works undertaken to inspect the highway and to clear the ditches along Spout Lane North;


4.    noted that the Council had agreed to reconstruct the vehicle crossovers adjacent to "Riverbank";


5.    noted that liaison with other agencies including Heathrow Airport, the Metropolitan Police, Highways England, Transport for London, Spelthorne Borough Council and other stakeholders was continuing, with a view to achieving a comprehensive multi-agency solution to the underlying antisocial behaviour problems in Spout Lane North; and


6.    asked officers to undertake an informal consultation on the three options developed to manage the parking in Spout Lane North.

Supporting documents: