Agenda item

North View, Eastcote - Petition regarding parking issues and vehicle speeds


No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


·         Parking issues took place on the unrestricted section of Field End Road between Ivy Close and the Borough boundary.

·         Vehicles parked on both sides of the road of North view which made it more dangerous.

·         Speeding was common place along North View.

·         North View was on a bus route.

·         There had nearly been two accidents recently.

·         It was suggested that a limited parking restriction scheme could be put into place to remove all day parking from this section of North View.

·         There was an overall concern expressed about speed along North View and what could be done about it. Residents wanted to be proactive and take preventative measures rather than await fatalities.

·         Further suggestions included the installation of some form of speed camera to reduce the number of speeding vehicles. It was also highlighted that as children crossed North View twice a day to walk up Boundary Road to attend Canon Lane School there was an increased likelihood of there being an accident at some point in the future.


The Cabinet Member, Councillor Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns raised and agreed that signage alone was not likely to significantly reduce vehicle speeds in North View. With regards to the suggestion that the Council consider deploying speed cameras, the Cabinet Member advised that the Council was not responsible for the introduction, management or maintenance of safety cameras as these were overseen by Transport for London working in partnership with the Police and London Councils.


Councillor Burrows advised that before safety cameras could be considered, there needed to be a history of four or more incidents which had resulted in serious or fatal accidents and this had not been the case at this location.


Cllr Burrows advised that, in order for the Council to consider reducing the speed limit or investigating other measures in the vicinity of North View, it first needed to obtain evidence that there was evidence of excessive speed in the area. The most effective and nationally recognised method for obtaining such evidence was through the undertaking of a speed and vehicle survey.


The petitioners were asked to help identify locations on North View for the survey to be carried out at. Following discussion, two locations were agreed. It was confirmed that the survey would provide data on vehicle speeds, time of day and vehicle size. In the event that specific concerns were identified e.g. motorists regularly exceeding the existing speed limit at a certain time of day, this information would be passed to the Police for them to consider enforcement action.  


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:


1.    Consider the petitioners' concerns regarding parking issues and vehicle speeds on North View.


2.    Subject to the above, asks officers to undertake classified traffic volume and speed survey(s) at location(s) to be agreed with the petitioners and the relevant Ward Members.


3.    Subject to the above, considers adding North View to future phases of the Council's Vehicle Activated Signs programme.


4.    Subject to the above asks officers to add the petitioners’ request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme and Parking Management Programme for further investigation


Supporting documents: