Agenda item

Petition Requesting Residents Parking In The Service Road Outside Nos. 20-114 Harmondsworth Road, West Drayton


As Ward Councillors, Councillor Dominic Gilham attended the meeting and spoke in support of petitioners, and as she was unable to attend Councillor Jan Sweeting submitted written comments in support in advance of the meeting.


Petitioners circulated images of the street in question. Concerns and suggestions from the petitioner included the following:

·         Parking that should be for residents' use was instead used by people parking and travelling to Heathrow Airport.

·         People had been observed parking very early in the morning, taking suitcases on the U3 bus to travel to Heathrow. Some cars stayed for up to 2 weeks.

·         During summer there were often 3 or 4 cars parked long term, forcing residents to park in other streets and walk back. This was a recent problem which had emerged within the last 10 years and there were currently no parking restrictions on the street.

·         Though petitioners recognised that this was legal, it disadvantaged residents, especially those with heavy shopping.

·         The high level of parking was also damaging and cutting-up grass verges that had recently been installed following road works.

·         Petitioners had requested numbered parking bays or parking permits.


·         Petitioners were additionally requesting that a pedestrian ramp be installed opposite 60 Harmondsworth Road.


·         On a separate issue, petitioners noted that an office has been installed in 'the old doctor's surgery' and was being used for a currently unknown business, which also contributed to the problems of parking.


A Ward Councillor spoke in support of the petitioners and raised the following issues:

·         Councillor Gilham confirmed the concerns of petitioners, and added that the problem was not restricted to airport staff parking, but also parking for people going on holiday.

·         West Drayton residents were suffering due to its location, causing them to park a great distance from their homes.

·         Councillor Gilham therefore strongly agreed with the petitioners and supported their requests for parking restrictions.


·         Councillor Jan Sweeting had submitted the following statement which was read out: I wholeheartedly support the petitioners in their request to have residents parking as stated on the petition investigated by the Council.  This area, along with many others has been subject to much parking by non-residents which has caused considerable inconvenience to local residents who are unable to park outside their own homes.  In addition I would ask the Cabinet Member to agree to recommendation 3, namely that officers investigate residents' suggestion for the installation of a ramp in the grass verge opposite 60 Harmondsworth Road.


The Cabinet Member, Councillor Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns raised, noting that he knew the area well and that improvements to public transport had contributed to parking congestion. Councillor Burrows agreed to add the petitioners' request to the Council's future parking management scheme programme for future investigation and highlighted the importance of ensuring residents completed their feedback forms during the associated consultation exercise.


Officers explained that the investigation into a residents parking permit scheme system would consider not just Harmondsworth Road, but also at the surrounding area to ensure that any intervention did not transfer the problem to neighbouring streets. It was suggested that the current situation might even have been caused by previous parking schemes. Although officers would be taking action, it was be noted that there was no specific timeline. Councillor Burrows invited petitioners to contact the Council as necessary with any questions that they might have once the consultation had commenced.


After consideration of the photos submitted by petitioners which indicated the convenience of a pedestrian ramp opposite 60 Harmondsworth Road, Councillor Burrows asked officers to consider installation as requested.

It was noted that officers would make further enquiries in relation to the office in
'the old doctor's surgery'.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:


1.    Met with petitioners and listened to their request for a Parking Management Scheme to be introduced in the service road fronting Nos. 20-114 Harmondsworth Road.


2.    Instructed officers to add Harmondsworth Road and the surrounding area to the Council’s future parking scheme programme for further investigation and more detailed consultation when resources permit.


3.    Instructed officers to investigate residents' suggestion for the installation of a ramp in the grass verge opposite No. 60 Harmondsworth Road to provide better pedestrian access to the main road.


4.    Asked officers to investigate the current use of 'the old doctor's surgery' and effect on local parking.


Supporting documents: