Agenda item

Brunel University Kingston Lane (Research Building) - 532/APP/2015/3350

Construction of a research building, together with associated substation, car parking, access and landscaping.


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


Officers introduced the report and provided an overview of the application, They noted the addendum, and the additional condition for air quality. Though the application site was within the green belt, special circumstances of employment, a unique facility and building being on an existing car park made it acceptable.


In their discussions, councillors raised the following points:

·         The report did not include a condition regarding waste disposal, and though a site-wide Refuse Management Strategy was in place, no development should take place until details of this had been submitted to and approved by the Head of Planning.

·         As the development would be in an existing car park, concerns were raised about the impact on parking availability and the additional stress that any displacement would place on local residents. Officers responded that as this was only one of a number of car parks on the site, and as parking capacity was currently greater than use across the site, a transport assessment had shown that displaced parking could be accommodated elsewhere on site. Additionally, Brunel have received planning approval for 109 car parking spaces which they are yet to implement.

·         Members raised a concern that the landscaping indicatively shown on the submitted plans lacked sufficient height and general coverage. The proposed development would lead to a significant loss of tree cover, especially when viewed from Nursery Lane. Though the building would fit in size and scale between two neighbouring buildings, it would still be visually prominent, and Members requested an informative be included to encourage greater effort to bolster the landscaping.

·         Members raised concerns as to the ambiguity of the restrictions on the  building usage and user. It was explained to Members that this planning obligation was a precedent previously used by the Council and that the details of the restrictions would be covered by the section 106 agreement for this site. The Legal Officer agreed to circulate a copy of the previous section 106 agreement which related to a very similar precedent planning obligation for information.


The motion for approval was moved, seconded and upon being put to a vote was unanimously agreed.



-          That the application be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control for approval, subject to:

1.    The amendments to conditions 9, 10, 16; removal of condition 17 and replacement with new condition 17 on Air Quality; and the addition of new informative 19 as set out on the Addendum Sheet

2.    Replacement of condition 11 to the following wording that requires details to be submitted: “No development shall take place until details of a Refuse Management Strategy for the development hereby permitted has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the operation of the site shall be in full accordance with the approved Refuse Management Strategy."

3.    The following informative text to be added to condition 16: “Your attention is drawn to the debate of the Planning Committee at the time the planning application was considered. Members raised a concern that the landscaping indicatively shown on the submitted plans lacked sufficient height and general coverage. You are therefore requested to consider bolstering the landscaping, particularly along the southern boundary of the site with Nursery Lane, in any future submission made to discharge this condition.”


Supporting documents: