Agenda item

World Business Centre, 4 Newall Road, Heathrow Airport - 71487/APP/2015/4718

Erection of a four storey office building (Use Class B1) with basement parking and roof top plant (Outline application).


Recommendation: Approval + Section 106 Agreement.


Resolved: That the application be approved.


Erection of a four storey office building (Use Class B1) with basement parking and roof top plant (Outline application).


Officers introduced the report, noting that the application site was located to the south of Bath Road, opposite the Marriot Hotel and was accessed via Newall Road. The site would otherwise be considered as being vacant and underused, although it was understood that the site was currently used for parking associated with the World Business Centre. The application site was not within a conservation area. It was within the Heathrow Airport boundary, within the airport air quality management area and also within the proposed Heathrow Archaeological priority zone.


The application sought outline planning permission for the erection of a four storey building. This would be located at the southern end of the site, with the main entrance being accessed from Newall Road. The building would be set back from Bath Road by approximately 5.2 metres.


The application proposed the provision of 160 car parking spaces, the majority of which would be located at basement level, with 20 at surface level. A taxi loading bay, cycle parking provision and motorcycle spaces were also proposed. The existing totem advert on the site would be removed as part of the development.


It was proposed that a new transport assessment and any mitigation required as a result of the works would be included in a section 106 Agreement. Some concerns had been raised regarding the potential for flooding to occur within the basement of the development. However, proposed mitigation work was considered to be acceptable.


The building would be used by a company that provided technology for the travel sector. It was noted that planning policy aimed to restrict development at Heathrow to use by companies that were directly involved in activities that related to the operation of Heathrow Airport. This would be achieved through condition 6 of the officer report.


Landscaping along the Bath Road was not consistent, with some of the setbacks to building frontages being substantial, while others were set back less distance than the 5.2 metre set back of the proposals currently under consideration.


The application was considered to be acceptable in terms of its setback and landscaping. The application was recommended for approval.


It response to a Member question, officers advised that it had been recognised that the plant looked excessive in its scale and massing. Further details, including revisions to the scale, massing and bulk would be requested from the applicant. The final appearance of the top layer of the building would be secured through conditions. The Council's Urban Design Officer had suggested that the roof plant was rather bulky. The proposals set out the maximum roof plant, but it was not envisaged that the plant would be as extensive on the final build. The applicant would accept a condition being imposed that required the roof plant to be smaller. The Chairman felt that this was not overly concerning given that the application site was close to Heathrow Airport.


Following further Member questions, it was confirmed that a Bird Hazard Management Plan would be required to be submitted by the applicant. This was necessary to reduce the risk of birds nesting at the site. Recommendation 2, section v, sub-section D of the of the officer report required that the heads of terms and the S106 legal agreement be finalised by 13 April 2016, which was the day after the Committee meeting. It was agreed that this was an unrealistic deadline and that delegated authority would be given to the Head of Planning to alter this date.


It was requested and agreed that an extra condition would be added to restrict use of the proposed cafe to staff working at the premises.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to a vote was approved unanimously.




1.    The application be approved as per the officers' recommendation, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and subject to the inclusion of an additional condition to restrict use of the proposed cafe to staff working at the premises.

2.    That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning to change the required completion date for the legal agreement.

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