Agenda item
Cottesmore House, Perkins Gardens, Ickenham 71579/APP/2016/402
- Meeting of North Planning Committee, Wednesday, 11th May, 2016 7.00 pm (Item 184.)
- View the background to item 184.
Alteration of parking layout to create 10 additional spaces.
Recommendation: Approval
The application was approved.
Alteration of parking layout to create 10 additional spaces.
Officers provided an overview of the application and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum; the application sought planning permission to provide an addition of 10 car parking spaces to Cottesmore House, at the front and back of the existing block of flats. Both areas currently provide some parking spaces, as well as soft landscaping, however the proposal seeks to increase the current parking space spaces provided in these areas. The proposal represents an appropriate development, and having considered all material considerations it is recommended that this application be approved.
Two Petitions were received. The following points were made by the first Petitioner who is the neighbouring occupiers:
· No problem with the provision of car parking spaces in Area 2 (North)
· Against the proposed 3 car parking spaces to the front in Area 1 (South)
· Allocating all parking to the rear of the building will keep disruption to a minimum as there are currently 3 building sites operating in our small area
· The 3 car parking spaces to Area 1 will result in the reduction of the small garden area to the front of the building. Residents in the extra care only use the front garden and not the green at the rear of the building, so it makes sense to put all parking to the rear.
· If the 3 car parking spaces to the front are approved, it would result in the residents in extra care, sitting right by the car fumes as they are ill and have not got good health this is not a good thing.
The Second Petitioner made the following comments:
· These parking places are desperately needed.
· Not only visitors but health professionals, tradesmen and outreach carers have the almost impossible task of finding parking for this building.
· If one dares to park in front of the adjoining building a tirade of abusive language is immediately forthcoming from residents there.
· I find it astounding that only 4 publicly available spaces are provided.
· Double parking is a constant problem with cars being blocked in until the owners can be traced.
· The proposal doesn't inconvenience other residents in the area and I am sure that the house owners beside Cottesmore will be only too pleased to have their rented parking spaces left open for their own use, instead of coping with the running battle they presently face from trades and visitors alike.
Councillor Corthorne in his capacity as a Ward Councillor for West Ruislip attended the meeting and spoke on behalf of the Petitioners adding that the lack of parking could leave vulnerable people in isolation if there is nowhere for their visitors or health care workers to park.
Councillors questioned parking space 3 and its proximity to the gazebo questioning whether that space in particular could be deleted and this was met with approval.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to a vote was approved unanimously on the condition that the Head of Planning revising the plan to delete space 3.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per the officer's recommendation, subject to the Head of Planning being provided with a revised plan omitting parking space P3 from Area 1 at the front of the building.
Supporting documents: