Agenda item

Former Royal British Legion, Station Road - 11332/APP/2016/1595

Erection of 13 terrace dwellinghouses with associated parking, landscaping and external works, following demolition of existing building.


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved, subject to:


1.                    conditions and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as per the officer's report;

2.                    the addition of a condition to remove the householder permitted development rights; and

3.                    the addition of a  condition to reorganise the disabled parking layout.



Erection of 13 terrace dwellinghouses with associated parking, landscaping and external works, following demolition of existing building.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the addendum. Officers confirmed that the existing building was in a poor state of repair, currently vacant, and not fit for use. The British Legion currently attended organised meetings and events at the Yiewsley and West Drayton Community Centre, located approximately 90m to the south of the site.


The Local London Plan and NPPF policy all supported additional family sized houses, and the proposed buildings were considered to be of good quality and design, that would make a positive contribution to the local area. They were not considered to adversely affect the West Drayton Conservation Area, or the nearby Grade II listed building, Drayton Hall.


The Council's Conservation and Urban Design Officer had reviewed the proposal and considered that it would be acceptable in design terms. The proposed development had been set aside from nearby properties and would therefore have no impact on those properties due to its size and bulk.


In terms of transport, the Council's Highway Engineer was satisfied with the parking and access arrangements. The development would provide 20 surface parking spaces, which included 2 disabled spaces and 2 motorcycle spaces.


The development would reflect the 12 core principles of sustainable development as set out in the NPPF, and the application scheme met the strategic policy objectives of the London Plan as well as the aims and objectives of local Council policy. It was therefore recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the items referred to in section 7.20 of the report.


Members expressed concern at the allocation of disabled parking spaces per residential block. Officers confirmed that the allocation of a parking space for Block 2, rather than having two spaces assigned to the main block, could be mandated via an additional condition, though this would result in the loss of a small amount of landscape verge.


Members raised concerns over the potential for overshadowing on Plot 8 due to its proximity to Plots 9 & 10. Officers confirmed that as this was a new development only the HDAS Residential Layout policy, which specified broader guidelines relating to daylight and sunlight, applied, rather than the HDAS Residential Extensions policy. Members conceded that, whilst concerns remained, on balance they would accept potential overshadowing on Plot 8 as the need for affordable housing was so great.


In addition, Members were mindful that the householder permitted development rights would allow further extensions to the rear of the properties that, together with the potential for future reorganisation of internal space to create more bedrooms, could result in the reduction of the minimum garden area required for a development on this size. For this reason, it was suggested that the permitted development rights be removed.


Members welcomed the scheme, and were minded to approve the application, subject to the Head of Planning agreeing the addition of conditions relating to the reorganisation of the disabled parking bays and the removal of the householder permitted development rights. The officer's recommendation, together with the aforementioned additional conditions, was therefore moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


As Councillor Higgins arrived partway through the presentation of the item, he did not take part in the deliberation or vote on the application.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved, subject to:


1.                    conditions and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as per the officer's report;

2.                    the addition of a condition to remove the householder permitted development rights; and

3.                    the addition of a  condition to reorganise the disabled parking layout.


Supporting documents: