Agenda item

Work Programme 2017/2018


Consideration was given to the Committee's Work Programme.  It was noted that the next meeting would receive health updates. 


The Committee was asked to identify an issue for consideration at the crime and disorder meeting scheduled for 14 September 2017.  It was agreed that the issue of LAC offenders be considered as there had been some conflicting information previously provided about whether or not offending / reoffending was prevalent amongst this vulnerable group.  Members queried how many LAC offended as a result of substance misuse, what proportion of young offenders were LAC and what proportion of LAC offenders went on to reoffend. 


Members were advised that it would not be practical to have a meeting to discuss the Quality Accounts on 14 March 2018 as this was too early and no meeting had been scheduled for April 2018.  As such, it was agreed that, once received, the Quality Accounts would be forwarded to Members so that the Committee's response could be drafted outside of the meetings. 


Members of the Committee were asked to identify topics for future major or single meeting reviews and pass these on to the Democratic Services Manager.  Single meeting reviews could be undertaken in the meetings scheduled for 11 October 2017, 11 January 2018 and 14 March 2018.  It was suggested that the utility companies (water, sewerage and electricity) be invited to attend for a single meeting review on 11 October 2017 to update Members on the action being taken to accommodate the increase in housing development in Hillingdon and the associated increase in demand for services.  It was noted that there were related issues such as flooding, the impact of roadworks on traders and the quality of the road/pavement repairs. 


Consideration was given to the community sentencing scoping report.  It was agreed that the review be undertaken. 


It was noted that there was still no GP presence in Heathrow Villages.  The Committee had commissioned a Working Group in 2016 to look at GP pressures and had received evidence from providers.  The Chairman advised that the Committee would ask for an update from HCCG at its next meeting. 


The CQC consultation to look at its next phase of regulation had been published on 12 June 2017.  Members were asked to read the consultation document and provide any comments to the Democratic Services Manager so that a response could be draft from the Committee for consideration at its next meeting on 11 July 2017.  The consultation would close on 8 August 2017.



1.    Members forward ideas for future review topics to the Democratic Services Manager;

2.    utility companies be invited to attend the meeting on 11 October 2017;

3.    Members agree the scoping report and that a review of community sentencing be undertaken;

4.    HCCG be asked to provide an update on the GP provision in Heathrow Villages at the meeting on 11 July 2017;

5.    Members provide the Democratic Services Manager with their comments in relation to the CQC consultation so that these could be included in a response for consideration at the Committee's next meeting on 11 July 2017; and

6.    the Work Programme be noted.

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